It's nine o'clock, and there are still three hours before the New Year, No.11 will be delivered, and the night snack will be delivered, and the night update will start!Ask for collection!Hysterically seeking collection!collect!collect!collect!


Terrifying flames erupted from the Taixu Earth Fire, directly piercing through the Phoenix Sky Fire's defense. Fang Muyun's expression changed, his body rolled, and he transformed into a phoenix bathed in fire. After circling in the air, he landed suddenly!

"Let you see, what is the most terrifying flame!" Ye Feng sneered, after breaking the shackles of the sky, the Taixu Earth Fire burst out the most terrifying flames, and directly blasted against the Phoenix Sky Fire!

Fire to fire, needle point to wheat awn!

At this moment, what everyone saw was thick flames and glaring flames. As for the two figures, there were only afterimages in a series of flames.

boom! boom! boom!

In the flames, Ye Feng and Fang Muyun confronted each other. This was a fist-to-fist confrontation, and it was also an entanglement of strength. Chaos God Fist, sixteen kinds of great supernatural powers, erupted with fierce light, converging on his right fist, booming There was a loud noise, and it rushed towards Fang Muyun!

"It's useless, my phoenix lineage, the fiercest thing is not fire at all, but attack!" Fang Muyun roared, and a soaring phoenix condensed on the head of his fist, with traces of tiny textures condensed, covering On the fist, bless the supreme mystery, and forcefully received Ye Feng's punch!

The phoenix glove in the phoenix suit allows Fang Muyun to obtain the power of the phoenix, which is infinite!

"Attack? It's up to you?" Ye Feng sneered, turned over, and there was a rumbling sound, and his body began to dance with blue flames. It was a collection of stars, blue flames, anode turtle fires, and mysterious devil fires. At this moment, he The body of the treasure is crystal clear, like a god, and the chaotic burning cauldron brushed out rays of light, which went straight into Ye Feng's body.

"The supernatural powers of great attack, the supernatural powers of massacre immortals, the supernatural powers of great destruction, the supernatural powers of great burning, the supernatural powers of great annihilation, the supernatural powers of great demons, the supernatural powers of great catastrophes, the supernatural powers of great extinction, the supernatural powers of devouring, the supernatural powers of great calamities, the supernatural powers of the universe, The Great Universe Supernatural Power, the Great Obliteration Supernatural Power, the Great Demon Swallowing Supernatural Power, the Great Destruction Supernatural Power, the Great Octopus Supernatural Power, the Great Kurong Supernatural Power, the Great Zhoutian Supernatural Power, the Great Cracking Earth Supernatural Power, the Great Slaughter Supernatural Power, and the Great Cangming Supernatural Power! Burn my Shouyuan , broke out! I want to obliterate him!"

Ye Feng let out a long cry, and in the blink of an eye, his thousand-year lifespan was burned. 21 kinds of great supernatural powers were vividly displayed, and with his punch, they burst out suddenly!


At this moment, the sky and the earth shook, the light shook the sky, and the murderous intent spread wildly. That terrifying punch suddenly condensed and blasted out. It is the true way of heaven!

"Destroy it! Destroy it! Destroy it!"

Fang Muyun shouted suddenly, flapped his wings, and completely transformed into a fire phoenix, without even the last trace of human breath. At this moment, he is a phoenix, with wings of tens of feet suddenly opened, and the hurricane hits , Fearlessly clashed with Ye Feng's magic fist.


There was a loud bang, and Zhou Tian's flames suddenly went out. The blow of the two of them was too terrifying. The sky shook, and the sky changed color. The phoenix, which is too virtual and earth-fired, is on fire.

With a puff, the flames extinguished, but the most powerful blows of these two people collided, and a shocking scene happened. Both figures were blown away, and no one could do anything to the other!

After burning a thousand years of life energy, his combat power soared to the fourth level of Tongxuan, otherwise in this life-and-death duel, the gap in realm would be extremely fatal, otherwise Fang Muyun would not be so arrogant.


At this moment, Ye Feng, who was retreating, suddenly stopped his figure, and violently rose again. No one thought that he could throw another punch. This punch has no secrets of chaos, no secrets of supernatural powers, but Only fist!

That's right, it's fist intent!

Everything is extremely nothingness, and it is not nothingness, it is the real fist!

Ye Feng's punch seemed soft and without any attack power, but when it touched Fang Muyun's defense, the hairs all over Fang Muyun's body suddenly stood up. A hundred times more terrifying!

No one can describe this punch. It can be said that this is the scariest punch Ye Feng has ever punched since he was sensible.

But it's terrible!

Break the chaos with one punch, turn the chaos into nothingness!

This punch came, just as Fang Muyun realized it was too late, the punch that seemed extremely slow in his eyes was extremely fast, a hundred times faster than the blink of an eye!


Fang Muyun let out a panicked roar, he had already felt the punch, it was a punch that annihilated everything, chaos and nothingness, he widened his eyes, watching the punch hit his chest!

He didn't even have a chance to resist, and he still stared helplessly, watching the fist hit his chest!


The moment the severe pain hit, the fire phoenix fluttering its wings for nine days instantly lost its feathers and reappeared in its original form. He only felt that he had entered the killing zone, and his murderous aura surged, as if he wanted to crush every ray of life in him!

This simple punch broke his inheritance, knocked him back to his original form, and even fell into the killing zone. At this moment, he was speechless and terrified.


Fang Muyun spat out a mouthful of blood, and this punch smashed him to pieces. I don't know how many bones were shattered. The flesh and blood on his chest were shattered, and his internal organs were shattered!

"My God, what a terrifying punch! Could it be the Chaos Divine Fist that Ye Feng used first? This is the real mystery, it is so terrifying, breaking chaos with one punch, turning chaos into nothingness! This fist is really terrifying! "

"It's over, Fang Muyun is useless, and he will definitely lose. Even though he has secret treasures, Ye Feng's methods suppress him in every way, as if he was born to oppose him. Even the spiritual fire is higher than his level!"

"Ye Feng is really scary. Don't provoke him in the future. We really can't afford to provoke such a cruel person!"


"Fang Muyun, kneel down for me!" A cold shout, like thunder, slammed into Fang Muyun's ear, the voice was so gloomy and cold that even the people watching the battle felt panic!

The sound hovered endlessly, surrounding the entire square, and even the punishing elder couldn't help but tremble his eyelids!

"What?!" Fang Muyun was stunned for a moment, and immediately became angry. Even if he was hit by his fist, he was not on his knees begging for mercy, and sneered, "You are crazy!"

"Let you kneel down!" Ye Feng yelled sharply: "How dare you bully my sister and force him to marry you as a concubine! You are courting death!"

For those who provoke him or his family, Ye Feng will never show mercy, he will only be extremely ruthless, and will not give him any room for maneuver. What's more, Fang Muyun relied on his own cultivation to hurt his mother and force his sister. Unlimited impact to his bottom line, even if you don't kill him, you won't let him go easily!

For warriors, perhaps hope is relief, and living is a kind of pain!

Bang bang bang bang!

After succeeding in one blow, Ye Feng violently rose up suddenly, without hesitation, he waved his fist, winning without moves, doing nothing at will, is the real way, turning chaos into nothingness!

He turned into a red light, surrounded Fang Muyun all over his body, and hit with all his strength!

"How dare you seriously injure my mother while I'm not around, and use the most indiscriminate means to poison you! You're looking for death!" With a bang, Ye Feng punched him hard in the chest, and his whole body flew up. However, Ye Feng kicked him again and smashed him down.

"How dare you force my sister to take her as a concubine while I'm not here! You're looking for death! Don't you know that dragons have reverse scales, and you die when you touch them?" Ye Feng suddenly kicked in the air and stepped on Fang Muyun fiercely. On his face, the mud from the soles of his shoes pressed against his cheeks, and his fair cheeks suddenly turned red and swollen.

"How dare you exile Fang Muzhe and wantonly insult my family while I'm not here! You deserve to die!" Ye Feng's foot crushed Fang Muyun's face so hard that his face turned purple, his fist turned into a shadow, and the sound of thumping was endless .

However, Fang Muyun's body was as strong as steel, almost copper-skinned and iron-boned, but under Ye Feng's hands, the sound of bone cracking continued, and his body was smashed again and again, reorganized, shattered, reassembled!

Already bloody and bloody, there is not a piece of good meat in the whole body!

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded. The person who was trampled on was the famous Seventh Emperor, Fang Muyun?At this moment, he is worse than a lost dog!

That fair face was actually stepped on by Ye Feng, and Ye Feng's devilish smile made them tremble with fear. At this moment, they listed Ye Feng as the most terrifying person.

I would rather mess with Hades than Ye Feng!

"I let you kneel down! Why don't you kneel!" Ye Feng shouted coldly again, this was a naked humiliation, a severe humiliation, which made him humiliated without face ever again!

"Ye Feng, I will never die with you!"

Fang Muyun let out a deafening roar, the hatred was piercing, as if engraved in his bones!

"Undead? Hahaha, our situation is already endless! How can I still be afraid of you! Garbage! Since you don't kneel, I'll hit you until you kneel! Kneel down!" Ye Feng humiliated fiercely and let out a loud voice Cursing, Jingyuan mixed into the voice, the voice spread far away, the five major peaks of Cangmang Mountain, countless small peaks, whether they are in retreat or crazy, this voice can be heard clearly!

"Kneel down!" Ye Feng yelled coldly, lifted his body up abruptly, put all his strength on his feet, and kicked his knees viciously!



The sound of bone cracking was very ear-piercing, at this moment, when

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