The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 1008 The Death of Snow Infinity

Chapter 1008 The Death of Snow Infinity

In fact, Shangguan Qi has no other feelings for this lotus demon. He has always regarded this lotus as his pet, or like a younger sister, but he has never had a relationship between a man and a woman.

So after he calmed down, he persuaded Xue Wuyin with good words, telling her not to think wildly, practice hard, and strive to become a fairy.

But Xue Wuyin didn't believe that he would be so calm in the face of his confession. He heard that every time the high priest of the Wu clan brought back a successor, they would inevitably be entangled in the emotions and desires in the future, so he would give them medicine before training. Wangqing Pill.So she suspected that Shangguan Qi also took Wangqing Pill to dislike her.

From that day on, she began to collect the antidote of How to Unravel Wanqing Pill, with the purpose of awakening Shangguan Qi's seven emotions and six desires.

In fact, she did it too. Three months later, she used her own roots as medicine, and did not hesitate to consume the essence of many years of cultivation, and insisted on cultivating a heartless pill.

As a result, when Shangguan Qi came to see her again that day, she coaxed him to eat it for him. She thought that after Shangguan Qi ate it, he would recover his original emotions and desires, but she didn't expect that after he ate it, he did not reflect. On the contrary, his love for her reminded him of some things that he shouldn't have thought of.

It turned out that Shangguan Qi at that time was not a beggar at all. It was only because the previous high priest went out by accident and saw Shangguan Qi who was only five years old at the time. He actually used extraordinary means to kill his whole family, reduced him to a beggar, and accepted him in as a savior.

So this awakening and redemption of emotions and desires, not only did Xue Wuyin not exchange for Shangguan Qi's introspection of his love for him, but he hated her because of her Forgetfulness Pill, he had pain, and because of her selfishness, he ended up falling in love with her. But fell into a hopeless situation without redemption.

From that day on, Shangguan Qi's personality changed drastically, and Xue Wuyin was also driven to Nanman Xuelai Peak by him, and he was ordered not to go down the mountain for life, otherwise he would definitely save her in the first place, and he would kill her in the future .

Xue Wuyin repented at the beginning, but the incident had already happened and she could not undo it, so she began to repent on the snow-capped mountains all year round.

What happened afterwards?No one knows, but Xue Wuji only knows that after Shangguan Qi returned from her place, news of the sudden death of the high priest came from the Wu clan, and then Shangguan Qi changed his name to Onitsuka to succeed the high priest, and then Xuelang There was a big cleansing in the clan, and many people died.

Does anyone know what happened in the first place?Even the later Mulian Qingyou didn't know about it, he only knew that in the materials handed down later, there were only a few pages about Onitsuka's appointment. This matter was later suppressed by the high priest Onizuka.

Even if a small tribe rebels, isn't that a big deal?Why is there such a cruel purge?

Just when everyone thought that Onizuka was going to stand on his own to completely wipe out the Snow Wolf Clan, a miracle happened again. The Snow Wolf Clan soon had a new leader, and the situation quickly stabilized, followed by the High Priest Ghost The news of the rapid rise of the tribe with the tomb, as well as the information of the rapid and powerful power of the Wu tribe, is also spreading everywhere, spreading everywhere.

By the time Xue Wujiu on the snow mountain heard the news, it was already ten years later.

(End of this chapter)

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