The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 1024 Feng Xiyue’s Choice 1

Chapter 1024 Feng Xiyue’s Choice 1
"Then how did they know that we have something to do with the magic core?"

"I heard that someone saw you dealing with the owner of Yunshui village, and the owner of Yunshui village was the one who was found out by them to get the magic core, so they found you."

It turned out to be the case.

Yin Lili hugged her stomach, feeling a little unstable——

However, since they have all been found out, why are so many people killed here?And the He family couple, they are unarmed and not skilled in martial arts?Why did the woman brutally mutilate them like this?
"I heard that once the woman arrived here, she indiscriminately killed all the fruit sellers in the town, and then led her men up the mountain. After that, she killed anyone she saw, which is completely unreasonable. It can be said that he has been killed all the way to Master He. When I got here, I guess it was to force Feng Xiyue out, so I became even more crazy, and Feng Xiyue, you and I both know, although I temporarily used Wu Jing to keep his body. However, given the situation at that time, he was really not the woman's match, so when the woman killed the He family couple and wanted to do something to Xiao Yuding, he threatened his life and saved the child's life. Life."

As if seeing through the woman's doubts, Mu Lian Qingyou told what he had inquired at the foot of the mountain.

To be honest, when he heard these things, even he himself couldn't accept them, killing people indiscriminately, what the hell is that?bandit?robber?
No, bandits and robbers would not be so cruel and inhuman. That woman is simply a beast, a beast with no conscience. If I knew it earlier, I should have worked together to kill her in the inn.


He suddenly jumped violently in his heart, and quickly turned his head to the side, only to realize that the woman who had been standing next to him had already lay down on the tree stump at some point, and at the corner of her skirt, a ray of Yin Hong also snaked down from inside...

"Chun'an, you..."

"It hurts, help me..."

Like a child who was extremely helpless, this woman who had persisted for so long finally collapsed in such a bloody reality.

Mulian took a look at Qingyou, where could he be calm?Unable to control it anymore, he leaned over and picked her up, then flew down the mountain with all his internal strength...

Chun'an, don't worry, I will definitely help you, don't worry, I will definitely help you...

Half an hour later, inside the smashed and unrecognizable Lin family medicine store in the town——

Mu Lian looked nervously at the thin man who was giving needles to the woman on the bed: "Doctor, what's wrong with her? Does it matter?"

This doctor was Dr. Lin who had treated Yin Lili and the other two before. When he heard the question, he raised his head and gave him an extremely strange look: "Who is she to you?"

Mu Lian was taken aback for a moment: "You know her?"

Dr. Lin nodded: "I have seen her a few times before, and I have also met her husband..."

He didn't say any more about the following words, but his eyes seemed to be warning Mu Lian Qingyou that he knew this woman very well, so it was best not to think of her.

Mulian took a look at Qingyou, feeling a little annoyed, when?Is it his turn for such a marketer to teach him a lesson?

But in the end, because this person had treated the woman he liked twice, he explained: "I am her friend. I accompanied her to find medicine for her husband two days ago, and I just came back today."

(End of this chapter)

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