The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 106 Chun'an Pei, You Heartless

Chapter 106 Chun'an Pei, You Heartless

Mu Lan was stunned...

That's right, although her evil spirit is powerful, but in front of Qilin, it's like an egg hitting a rock, so how could it hurt her?
But why would he do that?Isn't that girl his friend?And just now it clearly saw him give that girl a detoxification power, didn't he?
Mu Lan became more and more puzzled——

When Mu Tian saw it, he was very helpless: "Are you really a pig? As soon as he entered the mansion, he smelled your breath on the screen, and then found the hiding place of the Lengxiang wooden box with the broken wooden nose. Don't you know that he did this to find you out on purpose?"

Speaking of which, the IQ of the male Pixiu is still higher than that of the female Pixiu. If not, it would not throw it at home and come out to explore the "world" by itself...

However, no matter how clever it is, there is still one thing that has not been considered, that is, during the whole process, the elusive Highness Shenfeng never thought of letting that ignorant woman see his true face, so at this time Well, as soon as he left the prime minister's mansion, he immediately dragged the woman out of the space and put her in a ruined temple.

Why put it in a ruined temple?

Of course he has his reasons. This woman is no better than the idiots of their Shenfeng clan. She is very shrewd. If she finds that she has returned to the palace intact, she may start to suspect herself. Throwing her into the ruined temple was absolutely the right choice.

Sure enough, two hours later, when Yin Lili woke up from the coma and saw the dilapidated temples all around, a hint of shock flashed in his eyes!
Broken temple?

Why is she in the ruined temple?Isn't she in Xiangfu?

In extreme astonishment, she began to recall the things before she fell into a coma...

That's right, she knew that the Murong brothers and sisters were the hosts of the male and female Pixiu, and then she fell into Murong Xiu's green mist, and then they wanted to kill her, and then it seemed that someone saved her...

Yes, someone saved her!
She finally remembered the link that had lost the chain, and immediately got up from the ground and ran out the door: "Who is it? Who saved me?"

But to her disappointment, after searching outside the ruined temple for several times, she still didn't find any figure. Instead, there seemed to be a person lying on the side of the small river in front of her. When she walked over and took a look, God——

But who is Bai Xiaoyue who was kicked into the lotus pond by Murong Yue?

Could it be that she was also rescued by that expert?

Thinking of the icy coldness that she didn't even have time to react to before she fell into a coma, she was overjoyed and immediately reached out and shook Bai Xiaoyue's cheek: "Xiaoyue? Xiaoyue, wake up."

Just shaking and shaking, I don't know how long, finally, Bai Xiaoyue with disheveled hair was shaken until she slowly opened her eyes.

Upon waking up, seeing the woman squatting in front of her, Bai Xiaoyue first stared at her face like a child awakened from sleep, with a very blank expression for a few seconds. After a few seconds, her expression began to slow down. Variety……

First she was shocked, then terrified, and then, her slender and enchanting phoenix eyes glistened——

Well, this guy, it's flooding Jinshan again!

"Pei Chun'an, you are heartless."

Yin Lili gasped...

MD! After getting along for a long time, even the address has become less and less important. First, it was beautiful sister, and then Chun'an.

(End of this chapter)

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