The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 1231 How many concubines do you want to have? 2

Chapter 1231 How many concubines do you want to have? [-]

Yin Lili turned her eyes to the side, and when she saw the man behind the dragon case, she happened to be looking for help, and the corners of her eyes twitched immediately: "Then what is the prime minister's suggestion?"

"What Weichen means is that the emperor's first selection of concubines, although not enough to select a queen, should at least not be less than ten, otherwise, it will be a joke if it spreads to neighboring countries!"

ten? ! !

Yin Lili finally understood the pain and entanglement of that man after the dragon case...

Indeed, this is too insane.

Immediately, she also raised her forehead: "My lord, although I understand your eagerness to let the emperor flourish, this is the first draft for the new emperor after he ascended the throne. The beautiful ladies of the palace, those who are virtuous and virtuous, can stay in the palace temporarily and be awarded junior ranks, but for those who are really selected into the harem, this palace believes that three people are enough."

Three people? ! !
Pei Yuhan was anxious to jump up on the spot, but at this moment, he saw the calm woman and blinked at him quickly, signaling him to calm down first, so he restrained his impulse and sat down first.

But here, when I heard that there were only three concubines, the ministers were blown away. Xie An said it, but the other ministers, under the worry, couldn't calm down: "Princess, this court lady is drafted. , it has always been twenty of the hundred selections, Weichen and the others have been cut in half this time, how can they be reduced to three?"

Yin Lili smiled lightly: "My lord, didn't you hear clearly? Just now, what I mean by this palace is that those who are virtuous and virtuous can stay in the palace. If you stay in the palace, everyone must be aware that the emperor is now bloody. Fang Gang, and he has not yet married, maybe your daughter fell into his eyes that day and was favored, then, what do you care about whether you are a concubine or not?"

Yin Lili spoke directly and didn't worry about it at all. How would the so-called bloody emperor she spoke of feel after hearing these words?
Well, that's right, he is a young man who is full of vigor, a good young man who has not been touched by women in his twenties.

Once the adults were reminded, they stopped yelling.

That's right, why talk so much about it?Three is three, who can guarantee that after a year or so, these three will be successful?

At that moment, the group of people happily left.

The emperor, who had been holding back for a long time after the dragon case, couldn't help it as soon as he saw them leave. He stood up from inside and ran over: "What's the matter with you? Didn't you see me winking at you? Three more? Is your brain sick?"

Yin Lili frantically wiped the saliva off his face: "Brother, calm down, listen to me first."

"Don't listen!" Of course, the hot-blooded emperor's temper was not so easy to coax.

In the end, when the dead woman heard these two words, she turned her head and left without saying anything, making Pei Yuhan angry...

"Pei Chun'an, I really want to strangle you to death!"

"Don't, you're just my younger sister anyway, if you're about to strangle to death, where can you find your younger sister?" Yin Lili is really shameless, she is obviously shameless about this matter, but now she regards herself as the savior.

Pei Yuhan was defeated and fell headfirst on the chair. He suddenly became curious: "What kind of medicine did Feng Xiyue take wrongly? How can you be so weird?"

What is this called?Is she bad?
Yin Lili became angry resolutely: "Pei Yuhan, can you try saying something again?"

Pei Yuhan is not that stupid, do you think he is as weird as you?

(End of this chapter)

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