The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 1237 The Famous Miss Xie Family 2

Chapter 1237 The Famous Miss Xie Family [-]
Yin Lili finally regained consciousness, and then, with her support, got off the carriage...

There seems to be nothing wrong, ah.

She shook her head, wondering if she was thinking too much.

But what she didn't know was that just as she stepped into the gate of the mansion, she let go of Miss Xie's family behind her, and the hands that supported her suddenly all blood faded rapidly, and at the same time, On her face, big beads of sweat rolled down.

how so?Why can't I enter her body at all?

How did she know?Ever since Yin Lili became pregnant, Feng Xiyue had used extremely strong divine power to form a barrier on her body that only he could open in the three realms, and Yin Lili didn't know anything about it.

After entering Xie's mansion, Xie An was of course very shocked by the princess who suddenly descended from the sky, but when he heard that she was following the emperor's order to inspect the contestants for this draft, he was caught by her again. He was moved by his tireless efforts: "Your Highness, you see that you are about to give birth now, and you still come to do these things, I am really ashamed of you."

Yin Lili shook her head: "This is what the royal family has to do. As you know, the queen mother is not in good health. She can bear enough to be busy in the palace during this time. The emperor is the emperor, and there are many things to do every day." Deal with it, so Ben Gong volunteered to come here, and it’s not in vain to be called a princess by you.”

A witty remark completely dispelled the prime minister's restraint and doubts. At that moment, he warmly entertained her to have some snacks in the mansion, and then he tricked some rosters she brought, and carefully registered the details of his daughter on them. go up.

These things, Yin Lili is just going through the motions. Her real purpose, this time, is to see who this legendary Miss Xie is.

But that lady, why since she came?Didn't show up?
"Princess, since Miss Xie came back, she has entered her yard and never came out again."


Yin Lili was very surprised and wanted to go and have a look, but it was already dark at this time, so he had to give up.

After coming out of the prime minister's mansion, the people Pei Yuhan sent to pick her up were already waiting outside, so she got into the carriage and went back to the palace.

When we arrived at Shuanghua Palace, as expected, Pei Yuhan was already waiting inside. Seeing her safe return, he finally breathed a sigh of relief: "How is it? Did you gain something today?"

Yin Lili took a sip of the tea he poured, and nodded: "It's beyond my expectation, she should already know Lan Xiyao's identity."

"Ah?" When Pei Yuhan heard this, his face suddenly turned more than half pale: "Got it?"

"I guess it's because Xie Lin is really not as simple as you and I imagined. When I was at the Chu family today, she showed calmness and composure, not like a rich lady hiding in a deep boudoir."


"For example, when everyone in the Chu family saw me, they were flattered and embarrassed, but she was the only one..." Yin Lili carefully recalled the first time the woman saw her.

That's right, she did see a trace of amazement in her eyes, but after her words of absolute praise came out, her expression immediately changed, becoming static, followed by hatred, and then coldness , and these, a lady who just met her, it is absolutely impossible to have so many emotions.

"Then you mean...she knows you?"

(End of this chapter)

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