The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 1242 The Turned Serf Sings 1

Chapter 1242 The Turned Serf Sings 1
As a result, the woman next to him couldn't help but look at it just for a moment, so in the next second, he didn't vomit, but she let out a "wow", and all the yellow bile spit out...

When Feng Xiyue saw her, she quickly dragged her and ran away.

As a result, she was dragged all the way to the street, and she hadn't finished vomiting——

This is really disgusting and fucking disgusting.

Feng Xiyue thought of those piebald snakes that looked like roundworms crawling out together with human flesh and blood. Indeed, he was also uncomfortable, so he looked around and saw that there happened to be a sugar shop over there, and quickly brought her over: "Boss, Do you have sour plum soup here?"

Seeing that there are still people caring about it so late at night, the boss is of course happy: "Yes, yes, how many nights does the guest want?"

Feng Xiyue wanted not to drink it herself, but when she thought about the thing just now, she said: "Two bowls."

"Good! Two bowls of sour plum soup!" The shopkeeper quickly went to work for the two of them.

Feng Xiyue saw that she was busy helping Yin Lili, who was still feeling sick, to sit down. After she sat down, she saw that her complexion was not good after she vomited so much, and she felt angry and hurt in her heart: "If I had known this was the case, I would have liked to have let me come alone. Look at what you have become now?"

As he spoke, he eagerly put his divine power into her palm, so that she could feel better.

Fortunately, after a while, when the shopkeeper's sour plum soup was served, Yin Lili took a sip to suppress the nausea, and it was only at this time that she had the strength to speak: "I really didn't expect that, Miss Xie is actually hooked up with the Earth Demon Sanfu Beast."

That's right, at the beginning she was suspicious, at most she suspected that Miss Xie's intentions were not right, but who would have thought that she would come up with such a trick?
First he ate his own little maid to heal his wounds, and then he used the body of that old nanny to breed piebald snakes. Isn't this disgusting scene that I haven't seen since Zheng Liru was severely injured and disappeared by herself?Why did it suddenly appear again?

Feng Xiyue didn't take this matter to heart at all. As a king of beasts, with only a few piebald snakes, he didn't need to use any power to make her disappear.

But, as Yin Lili said, the timing of her appearance is strange...

"It stands to reason that the Earth Demon Sanfu Beast is no longer on this continent. Your there a mistake?"

"It's not in this continent anymore?" Yin Lili was very surprised: "How do you know? Didn't you see it last time in the Yin-Yang Double Realm?"

Feng Xiyue shook her head: "Actually, that is another space opened by the Wuji key in Bi Fang's hand, that is to say, the Earth Demon Sanfu Beast in the Yin-Yang Realm is just an illusion. Did kill me, as you saw later, once the North Sea was sucked dry, the Yin and Yang dual realms disappeared immediately, because at that time, Bi Fang’s Gate of Promise could only be opened in waters, without water, he would never have Ability to maintain."

Feng Xiyue is actually right. The Promise Key from the Ancient Continent can only open another dimension door where there is water. The yin and yang double realm is the North Sea of ​​Shenfeng Mountain, while the Ancient Continent is the heaven The Lishui River, in other words, the long and abundant water area also determines the size and durability of this open space, and obviously, the ancient continent that the two entered from the Lishui Mirror at that time was much bigger than the yin and yang under the North Sea. Shuangjie is much stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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