The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 1262 I just hate your life 2

Chapter 1262 I just hate your life [-]
I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out...

"Where is Lan Xiyao now?"

"It's still under the Lan Lake!" Feng Xiyue was annoyed.

When Yin Lili heard this, she immediately became anxious: "Then why can't you pull her out? What if she drowns?"

Feng Xiyue sneered: "Don't worry, she won't be drowned to death, she is a fairy body, unless it is Zhu Xianshui, otherwise, who will not take her life?"

"Then why does she still want to jump into Lanhu Lake?"

"Because she is sick!"

Feng Xiyue absolutely gritted her teeth to say these last few words.

Indeed, that woman is sick, otherwise she wouldn't use this trick to scare people, but I feel sorry for his brother-in-law...

But Yin Lili didn't think so. After all, she was a woman, and a woman knew how important innocence was to her. Yes, she hadn't fallen in love with anyone, but just because she didn't fall in love with anyone, didn't mean You can sleep with anyone, that's a question of one's morality, okay?
But it's a pity that the people here don't seem to understand, and as her former good sister, it would be futile to even think of consoling her at this time.

"Then let her calm down at the bottom of the lake."

"Well, I still have to go find Lan Ling. This matter was obviously framed by someone, so I'm a little worried that those people will pass the news to Lan Ling. If Lan Ling knows, it's true. The consequences are unimaginable.”

Thinking of that friend who still knew nothing at this time, Feng Xiyue suddenly felt a little dizzy...

I really hope he doesn't know about this matter too early.

Of course Yin Lili also knew this, at that moment, she nodded, signaling him to go quickly, while she stayed and took care of the two people who were in a mess.

Soon after Feng Xiyue left, all the ministers who heard that the emperor was injured by Concubine Yao rushed to Chonghua Hall to visit, especially Ling Liu, who had been secretly taking care of Zhang Yuqiao for this draft , I was very upset that only one concubine was sealed, and now that the emperor was hurt by the new concubine, my opinion became even bigger.

"Li Li, where is that concubine Yao now? She dared to hurt the emperor, this time she must be severely punished!"

Yin Lili was one and two older, but had to deal with these problems: "Uncle Huang, there is a misunderstanding here, in fact, Concubine Yao is not what you imagined?"

"Isn't it what you imagined? I heard that she had a big fight with the emperor in the Chonghua Palace early this morning, then left in a hurry and jumped into Lanhu Lake, trying to confuse the emperor, but in the end, she waited for the emperor to come down to rescue her." , the woman wounded him again, isn't that true? Isn't that enough to kill him? "

Yin Lili gasped!
Fuck, how did this rumor spread like this?

Xie An got even worse because of his daughter: "That's right, princess, the new concubine hurt the emperor on the first day she was conferred. Isn't that too unbelievable? Didn't the princess go to check her background? Please forgive me." The official said bluntly, the official suspects that this Chu Xiyao simply entered the palace to assassinate the emperor!"

It's getting more and more outrageous!

Yin Lili was finally furious: "Okay, this matter is decided by the palace. You ministers, don't you need to be busy with the affairs of the court? Knowing that the emperor has been in poor health for the past few days and the court affairs have been delayed, you still have to deal with it." What's the point of staying here and making noise because of a woman in the harem? Could it be that you suspect that there is no one in the harem of Liguo?"

(End of this chapter)

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