Chapter 1276 Heartbroken [-]

In fact, Yin Lili saw the scene at that time unintentionally. At that time, Lan Xiyao said such words to her, she was indeed very sad, but she would not be so stupid as to really accompany her to die.

Until, when she saw those piebald snakes, her heart was already in hell!
Miss Xie's family suddenly turned into a second monster like Zheng Liru, which already made her suspicious. Later, on the Phoenix Stage, Miss Xie's family easily lost to Lan Xiyao, which was even more strange up.

When Lan Xiyao was on the stage, she had already been told by the flower demon, so her identity would be leaked. During the competition, she was not allowed to use immortal power. That is to say, in that competition, she actually relied on fists, kicks and skillful strength .

But Ms. Xie's family is different. When she and Zhang Yuqiao confronted each other when she was playing, she had already seen the murderous intent in her eyes, as well as the evil spirit in her fingers covered in black Koudan. Let me ask, such a person, And how could Lan Xiyao not show her sorcery in the contest with Lan Xiyao?
The only explanation is that she wants to lose to Lan Xiyao on purpose, so that Lan Xiyao can become Pei Yuhan's concubine!
After she thought of this, she almost had the answer to the affair between Lan Xiyao and Pei Yuhan...

It was because of this fulfillment that they were able to do it easily, and they were able to light those enchanting incense on the night of Pei Yuhan and Lan Xiyao's day.

Yin Lili is really smart, a few piebald snakes solved all the doubts in his heart, and as soon as he solved it, his heart broke out in a cold sweat!
Kill two birds with one stone!
This strategy is to kill two birds with one stone!
First, let Lan Xiyao lose her body to Pei Yuhan, to arouse Lan Ling's demonic nature, and stir up disputes between the heavenly and human worlds.

Second, Lan Xiyao was killed at the bottom of Lan Lake. Once Lan Xiyao died, the heavens would be furious, and they would naturally blame her and Feng Xiyue. Big mess!
So, she was taken aback and had to make such a move, so what if she sacrificed her child?If Lan Xiyao really died, then this continent would really be destroyed.

Feng Xiyue was already stunned by what she heard. He knew very well what she was like. If it wasn't a last resort, she would definitely not have acted so recklessly. Under the circumstances at that time, she knew that she was no longer fit to use any of her strength. , not to mention, she was still in the water.

However, she still used it in the end, and the result in exchange was that she almost died. So, what was the final result of this incident?

It turned out that it was such a shocking thing!

To actually kill Lan Xiyao?
Hehe, it seems that during this period of time, he was really too tolerant of that person.

"Okay, don't think too much about it. Don't worry about these things, just leave them to me. I heard that Xiyao said a lot of bad things at that time. Don't hate Xiyao anymore. She didn't mean it."

Yin Lili smiled wryly: "If I hated her, I wouldn't do this, what? She's still blaming me, doesn't she want to see me?"

In the end, she heard Lan Xiyao's heart-piercing cry, so she knew that Lan Xiyao finally woke up.

But to her surprise, the man who hugged her shook his head: "No, she just... just went to recuperate."

(End of this chapter)

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