The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 1382 Life and death escape 1

Chapter 1382 Life and death escape [-]
Turning around quickly, she took out the golden bead that Hua Yanran had just given out of her mouth and came to her: "Let me tell you Pei Chun'an, I don't have time to hang out with you, you should either follow me? Or get out of here quickly! "

The tone was harsh and the voice was sharp, it was exactly the same as when they first met in the heaven.

Yin Lili also lost her temper and wanted to refute, but at this moment, a warm current spread in her mouth from the little beads that she forcibly stuffed into her mouth. Slowly dispersed.

"This is……?"

"Are you going to go?"

Yin Lili's eyes moved, but in the end, he nodded without saying anything, "Yeah!"

This is really a very strange way of getting along. She can tell that this woman is very unwilling to save her, but she has to.

As for Ling Suyi, it could be seen that Pei Chun'an, a woman, hated her very much. At the same time, she also hated her domineering orders. However, in order to escape for her life, she had to make mistakes again and again.

It wasn't until half an hour later that the two of them finally arrived at the icy joint between the two layers of Yueluo Lake in Ling Suyi's memory, and then they both stopped and looked at the faintly visible mist and ice above.

What she said is indeed correct. Yueluo Lake really has two floors. After arriving here, because it is close to the connection of the upper floor, Yin Lili only stood here, and the cold air was worse than before when he came to the road. It was much better. Moreover, she raised her head, looked up, and vaguely saw some shadows swimming. At first glance, it was the creatures in the lake.

"My master said that to open this connecting ice layer, you need a tenth level of divine power. I can't open it, can you do it?" Ling Suyi was really rude. Once he arrived here, he immediately stared at Yin Lili.

Yin Lili was a little embarrassed when he heard the words...

If it was normal, her power could of course be opened, but now, the Wuyuan needle in her body is still there, and all power is restricted, how can she use it?
Since you can't use strength, then... use bombs?

Before she could think about it, a biochemical bomb the size of a pigeon egg rolled out of her wrist with a habitual flash of blue light...

No way, this is a life-saving weapon, of course you have to carry it with you.

Ling Suyi was already dumbfounded. It's not that she doesn't know the strange power of this woman, but it's the first time she's seen such a thing suddenly, so it's inevitable that she should be shocked: "What is this thing?"



"Well, don't worry about this thing, let me ask you, if there is a little movement here, will the altar of the Snow Wolf Clan know?"

Ling Suyi thought about it...

They had been walking for about half an hour just now, and according to their foot speed, it should be four or five miles away, so far, they definitely wouldn't know.

So he shook his head decisively: "You think they are gods? Can you still hear them so far away?"

That's good!
Yin Lili was in a hurry, and forgot about this woman's IQ, and also forgot that this was the first time this woman had seen this thing. As a result, after throwing a biochemical bomb, with the muffled sound like the earth shaking, she See, this woman is completely stupid!

Pei Chunan, you bitch!Is this what you call a little movement? ! !

Pei Chun'an was very innocent: "It's already very small, if you were on land, you would see even more exciting scenes."

(End of this chapter)

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