The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 1397 Soldiers approaching the city 1

Chapter 1397 Soldiers approaching the city [-]

Yin Lili's eyes suddenly became moist, that's right, why did she forget that there is such a capable person beside her?Back then, General Zhang, who guarded the border, was known as a master of metaphysics.

Immediately, she came over and nodded to her: "What are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you go down with General Zhang to defend? You all listen to me, Liguo, as long as my Ling Weili is here, I won't fall down , your emperor, I will definitely rescue him safely!"

"The princess is a thousand years old!"

"The princess is mighty!"


At this moment, these bold and heroic words are undoubtedly the best stimulant, and those soldiers who were a little afraid to shrink back were even more enthusiastic after hearing the words "Ling Wei Li". revived.

That's right, the emperor is gone, they still have a princess, and this princess, who turned the tide back then, can also lead them to victory today.

"call out--"

The thunderous yelling did not stop, and the familiar black spear was thrown from the sky again. At that moment, everyone on the city wall saw that their princess began to change rapidly, and a gleam appeared in her eyes first. There was a very strange blue light, and after that, her body began to be surrounded by a thin layer of blue metal shell, and at the same time, a burning sensation that was almost like being burned spread rapidly around everyone.

"Back back, everyone back quickly!" Pei Rongguang, who had seen the transformation of the princess before, immediately ordered everyone to back away after seeing this scene.

At that moment, everyone only saw a flash of blue light in the air, and in an instant, the princess who was still on the city wall just now disappeared!

God, what kind of power is this?Why is it so weird?so scary?

"Look, the princess is there!" I don't know who is sharp-eyed, the first time I saw the female lead with blue light emerging from the dense group of dark soldiers, and let out an exclamation, everyone stared at him instantly. He closed his eyes and leaned over.

What a frightening speed that is, it will make people teleport from here to there, there, to this side, a full four or five miles away.

However, the fact is so weird, their princess not only teleported there, she also captured the generals of the Yin soldiers from the camp under the eyes of everyone, and it was at this time that everyone discovered that the generals, It turned out to be a skeleton!
It turned out to be a skeleton?
Everyone was dumbfounded and said that they could not accept such a fact at all.

But the fact is, when the princess over there crushed the skeleton in her hand, all these Yin soldiers disappeared...

sky!This is too unbelievable!

Seeing this scene, Pei Rongguang couldn't even close his mouth when Yin Lili came back and unloaded his equipment again: "Princess, did we win like this?"

Yin Lili frowned: "You have a good idea, just wait, when the second skeleton is delivered, these things will reappear."

When Pei Rongguang heard this, he immediately felt uncomfortable in his chest!

This skeleton can come again?
"Then what do we do now?"

"Crush the skull!"

Pei Rongguang shook: "Who pinched it?"

Yin Lili finally turned around and gave him a cold look: "What do you think?"

Pei Rongguang stopped talking...

It's not that he's afraid, but that there are so many dark soldiers around, it's impossible to attack.

But he didn't speak, Zhang Yuqiao who just came in answered: "Princess, what do you you mean when he just came out? Let's go over and kill him?"

kill it?
(End of this chapter)

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