The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 1407 Pei Yuhan, do you love her? 1

Chapter 1407 Pei Yuhan, do you love her? [-]

"I'll go, Pei Yuhan, why are you so heavy?"

Pei Yuhan was hit by the cold current stone, and the blood in his body was already churning violently. Hearing this, he immediately coughed twice, and a wisp of bright red came out from the anger of this heartless woman.

When Lan Xiyao saw it, she finally realized that she had said the wrong thing, she quickly turned around, and while the two of them were on the ground, she lifted him vigorously, caught him, and floated down.

"How? Are you all right?"

Although Lan Xiyao didn't know what that thing was, but it was able to break the immortal energy she had entangled in him, which meant it was not an ordinary thing, and this person, whose body was sealed and suffered such a blow, was probably a ...

But to her surprise, he just panted for a while, wiped off the blood on his lips, and shook his head: "It's okay, it's just a sprained ankle."

Sprained your ankle?
Lan Xiyao widened her eyes!

What is the logic?Falling from such a high place, what he hurt was not his heart, liver and lungs, but his unrelated feet? ! !

"What are you staring at? Falling from such a high height, it's weird to have a sprained foot?" As if seeing through the woman's doubts, Pei Yuhan leaned against the tree with one foot and said in a panic.

When Lan Xiyao heard this, she finally felt embarrassed: "No, I didn't mean that, I was just thinking..."

"What else are you thinking about? Hurry up and find a way to get rid of the injury on my foot first."

"Ah?" Lan Xiyao was taken aback by these words: "Are you hurting your feet?"

"What else? I can't walk, so are you willing to carry me on your own? I'm very heavy!" Pei Yuhan expressed his vengeance. When he said this, he deliberately bit these two words hard.

As soon as Lan Xiyao heard it, her face turned red!

Of course she knew that it was impossible for her to touch him, but where would she treat his feet at this time?It's dangerous.

"Otherwise, let me find some herbs to apply to you first?"

"Well, let's go!"

Pei Yuhan urged, it seemed that he couldn't wait.

Indeed, he couldn't wait, this time was full of dangers, if he didn't fix his foot injury quickly, and Jun Ruoshui from above killed him, it would be another fight.

Lan Xiyao finally turned around and went to find the herbs as he said.

However, not long after she ran out, she suddenly realized that something was wrong, and immediately stopped.

He has always been the most appreciative of the situation, and he knows best when to do what and what not to do?Then at this critical moment, he asked her to find medicine?

She suddenly turned her head and stared at the tree that the man leaned on just now!
Sure enough, she left for a while, and there was no one under the tree, but fortunately, she reacted quickly enough, and after looking at it, she happened to see the trembling of the leaf.

This bastard man!

She was finally startled and angry, turned around quickly, and a figure rushed straight to the tree.

There can only be one reason for being able to deceive her away in this way, that is, he must have known the murderous intent that she would never be able to deal with, and he had no choice but to make such a bad move, but why did he hide again?

She leapt forward, and when she got under the tree, sure enough, a large wave of indestructible mental power surged in, so strong that even she couldn't even get close to her.

It turns out that this is the truth!

She finally understood, and suddenly felt her heart was on fire, and before she had time to think about it, she bit her finger and slashed fiercely outside the barrier!
(End of this chapter)

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