The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 1435 See clearly who you love? 5

Chapter 1435 See clearly who you love? [-]
Lan Xiyao was stunned, isn't she?

When the empress saw her expression like this, she suddenly felt a little funny. She even began to suspect that her extreme behavior a thousand years ago was not because she liked Mo Baiyan, but it was possible that she was simply a the most basic response.

Withdrawing her gaze, she looked at the scarred wrist in her hand, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Yaoer, if you only hold grudges against your elder brother because of guilt, then I can tell you with certainty that there is no need, because , that human emperor will never die at all."

"Won't you die?" Lan Xiyao finally had another reaction: "Why?"

"Because he is the reincarnation of the emperor star, the reincarnation of the stars in the heavens, and he will not die until the appointed time, and the reason why your elder brother said that is because he is afraid that you will be sad, do you know? Into the body, then his previous memories will be gone, including you, do you understand?"

What Tianhou said is indeed true. Although Lan Feng will not really let Lan Ling occupy Pei Yuhan's body, as long as Lan Ling enters his body and stays there, his memory and various bodily functions will be damaged to varying degrees. And these, as the mistress of the heavens, the empress is very clear.

Lan Xiyao was shocked!
When she heard that he was not dead, she was really happy and happy, but the news that came immediately made her heart more sad than before.

Can't remember anything?
Then there is nothing between him and her?
"What's wrong? Are you unhappy when you hear that he won't remember you?" The Empress saw her expression, but she still smiled calmly.

Lan Xiyao was startled, and wanted to say it wasn't like that, she just opened her mouth, but she didn't know what happened, two tears rolled down.

Seeing this, the empress sighed again: "Actually, it's good that he doesn't remember. Now that Mo Baiyan is back, you almost jumped the Nantian Gate because of him. How about this? The empress mother went to talk to him and asked him to let him go." Get out of your second brother's body, and then find him a suitable body, let him marry you, okay?"

"not good!"

Unexpectedly, the empress' proposal was sharply rejected by Lan Xiyao as soon as the words fell.

The empress was a little surprised. Firstly, she was surprised by her fierce reaction, but secondly, she was surprised that she called out these two words without even thinking about it.

not good?

She doesn't want to be with Mo Baiyan?Or did she not want that human emperor to have nothing to do with her from now on?

"No, queen mother, I mean... I mean... now is not the time to talk about this issue." It took a quarter of an hour before Lan Xiyao realized it, and then, it was a cover-up full of loopholes.

The empress saw all this in her eyes, she never said anything, and she didn't force it, but after her mood calmed down a little, she said again: "That's right, now is indeed not the time to talk about this issue, but Yao Son, I have to remind you that the current Mo Baiyan is no longer the Mo Baiyan of the past. The queen mother thought, he came back this time, probably because of you, and you probably don’t want your second brother and the heavens to be killed. He was ruined, right? Therefore, the best way is to satisfy him and make him willingly give up his body to your second brother."

When Lan Xiyao heard this, she immediately sneered: "To meet his conditions, is to let me marry him?"

(End of this chapter)

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