The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 1459 Suffering 2

Chapter 1459 Suffering [-]

Yin Lili was so excited that he cursed incoherently, almost crying.

This can't be her fault. Ever since she was a child, when has she ever seen this person say such a thing?What he has always left for himself is perseverance and stubbornness, not to mention begging for death, even if it is a soft word, it is rare for him to say it.

"Brother, don't be afraid, I will definitely save you. We have endured so many hardships, so you can bear it any longer, okay?"

When Yin Lili said this, Pei Yuhan had already calmed down, so he held those fingers, and listening to this familiar voice, he nodded lightly: "Okay!"

It's a very simple word, but it seems to have exhausted all his strength.

Yin Lili began to panic, looking at her blind and haggard brother in her arms, for the first time, she felt that she was so useless, that she couldn't even save her closest relatives.

"Princess, let's put the emperor on the bed first." Zhang Yuqiao also came in, seeing this scene, she was heartbroken.

This is such a man, even though he never looked at her directly, but she fell in love with him without hesitation, and she was willing to live or die for him.

When the two of them worked together to help Pei Yuhan onto the bed, Pei Yuhan had passed out again.

That's right, he is now like a critically ill patient who is dying. He is tossing and tossing like death every day. Not to mention unconscious, even if he is dead, that is normal.

Yin Li's heart was twisted so badly, seeing Zhang Yuqiao also standing there with a gloomy expression on his face, he ordered one by one: "Let those imperial doctors go down, and see if there is any other way to relieve the emperor's pain?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yuqiao immediately went to the Tai Hospital again.

And here, after Yin Lili saw her leave, he also went to fetch a basin of clean water and came back, preparing to clean up the blood on his brother's face.

While busy with work, suddenly someone outside called out: "Chun'an?"

When I came out to look, outside the hall, the man in blue with his hands behind his back was standing imposingly, just like a fairy descending from the sky, suddenly appeared there, even Yin Lili couldn't help being startled when he saw it.

"Lan... Ling?"

After so many things, she is really not sure who this person is?What's more, this person looked much more serious at the moment, and he didn't have the flair and dishonesty of the Emperor Baizhi she knew at all.

But the fact is that this person is indeed Lan Ling, no, after seeing her come out, his face showed an embarrassing blush before he could speak...

That's right, although Lan Ling is unrestrained and has no shape, if he does something wrong, he always likes to blush.

It seems that this person is undoubtedly Bai Zhi.

Yin Lili breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried over, she asked, "Why are you here?"

Lan Ling was still a little awkward, and didn't dare to look at her directly: "Let me see how your brother is doing?"

my brother?
It's okay not to talk about this, but once he said it, Yin Lili thought of his brother being tortured into such a miserable situation just now, and suddenly became angry: "Do you still remember my brother? Do you know that you have hurt him so badly this time?" gone?"


Lan Ling's face became even more ashamed, and she wanted to explain her helplessness at that time, but in the end, she found that after she opened her mouth, she couldn't explain herself.

That's right, no matter how he explains this matter, the damage he caused to others will be irreparable, so why should he explain it.

Lan Ling was completely silent...

(End of this chapter)

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