Chapter 146
In fact, he is not to blame for this incident at all, he is the crown prince, so it is normal to handle these matters, besides, he was indeed in the prime minister's mansion at that time, so he asked, what does it matter?

Looking at the bloody hand, Yin Lili suddenly felt that he was a little too much, not because of anything else, but because this person was sincere to him, but he kept lying to him.

So he lowered his head, took off his own silk handkerchief from his body, and wrapped it around his hand: "Actually, I didn't tell you what happened that day because I didn't want you to worry about it. Brother, you don't know how many things the Murong family keeps hidden from you." You? Then Murong Xiu and Murong Yue are the owners of the male and female Pixiu Beast Yuan, and I was almost killed by them that day in the Prime Minister's Mansion."

When Pei Yuhan heard this, his wrist trembled violently: "Male and female Pixiu Beast Yuan? Murong Xiu and Murong Yue?"

Yin Lili nodded: "Yes, male and female Pixiu, that day Murong Xiu wanted to defile me, and I fought hard, then Murong Yue appeared and asked Murong Xiu to summon the female Pixiu to kill me, and said that no one would know if I killed me, If it wasn't for an expert who suddenly appeared, I really wouldn't be able to come back."

In the end, Yin Lili still told this man, firstly, because this incident seemed to have threatened his life, and she couldn't see him in danger.And the second reason is because of her guilt towards him. If she doesn't tell him these things, she will feel that she has gone too far.

Pei Yuhan was already stunned, especially when he heard that these two people had a male and female Pixiu that hadn't appeared in the world for thousands of years, his entire face turned pale.

Male and female Pixiu, if the two are combined into one, it is a divine beast that even Qilin, the leader of the beasts, cannot defeat, let alone him, the third-ranked Azure Dragon...

At the moment, he stood there, his mind was extremely chaotic.

Of course Yin Lili knew what he was worried about?But what she is worried about now is not this, what she is worried about is that if Murong Yue really enters the palace tomorrow, it will be really troublesome.

So he pursed his lips, and said cautiously: "Brother, you told me to go to the emperor to cancel the election of the princess, did he agree?"

Pei Yuhan was in a state of confusion, and when he heard this, he blurted out: "Not yet, but don't worry, I will look for him again."

Not this question!

Yin Lili was in a hurry: "Brother, didn't you find out? In this election of the crown princess, the Murong family seems to intend to send Murong Yue to the position of crown princess. Think about it again, Murong Lianlian Murong Yue is a wild beast. The winner did not disclose it, so what does he mean by doing this all of a sudden?"

Pei Yuhan was stunned!
After a while, I came to my senses and looked straight at her: "You mean...the election of the crown princess is actually a conspiracy by the Murong family?"

He is indeed a smart man...

Yin Lili achieved his goal, he didn't say anything, just nodded.

In fact, at this time, it seems to be better to use this method to persuade him to cancel the concubine election. If you let him cancel or delay it rashly, I'm afraid he will be suspicious.

Sure enough, after such an analysis, Pei Yuhan's eyes lit up immediately, he didn't even bandage his hands, and walked outside.

Yin Lili saw it from behind and hurriedly chased him out: "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to find my father, you go back to Mu Zizhou first, if there's anything I need, I'll come back to you later." Before the words finished, the person had already drifted far away.

Yin Lili saw it and knew that it was almost over, so he didn't go back to the hall, turned around and went to another place.

(End of this chapter)

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