Chapter 15

Yin Lili's eyes were full of sarcasm: "Let me change from a princess to a lowly maid, is this what you call a gang?"

Feng Nantian blew his beard, and his face was full of pig liver: "What's wrong with being a lowly maid? In this way, that woman will no longer think about how to kill you all the time, and you can still be quiet What's wrong with hiding here to practice? Tell me, what's wrong with this?"

In the end, the patriarch of the Shenfeng clan, who was completely driven crazy by the girl in front of him, yelled aggrievedly like a child.

Yin Lili blinked, thinking carefully...

That's right, Concubine Guan has always wanted to put her to death. If she escaped by chance in the Golden Luan Hall, she might do it later. However, because the biochemical system in her body has not been fully repaired, she can't practice at all, let alone attack others. , Self-protection may be a problem at that time.

At that moment, she stopped talking, no, she couldn't talk at all, because she didn't have any activity in her heart, she just closed her eyes and didn't look at this person.

Even if this is the case, she will piss him off. Who told him that he is the lone star of the devil?To let her be abandoned, it doesn't have to be so ruthless, right?
Fengnan was about to jump in the weather, but he saw that the girl had closed her eyes, and the aura around her was defenseless against him. Suddenly, with a movement in his heart, a wisp of thought flew out of his head and entered the girl's body instantly. inside the doll.

Yin Lili was closing his eyes to thank the guests, when he suddenly felt a change in his body, he concentrated his attention and looked——

I am a good boy!
She was almost scared to death by the ghost wandering in her body on the spot!

"You... What do you want to do?" Maybe it was too scary, at this moment, she couldn't even finish her sentence.

But after Feng Nantian entered her body, he saw the huge red net hidden under the blood that he had never seen before, and his eyes widened to the extreme: "What is this?"

"You don't care about me!" Yin Lili got angry and tried to drive this person out.

But who is Feng Nantian?He is the patriarch of the Shenfeng Clan who has practiced for nearly a thousand years. With his power, if he wants to enter someone's body, unless he is willing, otherwise, even if he rots to death in that person's body, no one can control him.

So, stunned by the weirdness of the huge red net, he reached out and touched it.

"do not want!"

When Yin Lili saw it, she was shocked and immediately wanted to stop it, but at this moment, a strange thing happened. Some parts of the biochemical network that could not be repaired had been touched by Feng Nantian's fingers. , a faint golden light flashed, and that place was miraculously restored!

sky!There is such a good thing?

At this moment, Yin Lili's expression completely changed. Seeing Feng Nantian withdrawing her fingers with a puzzled expression, she panicked and blurted out: "Touch, hurry up, keep touching..."

Feng Nantian was stunned for a moment, and really stretched out his finger...

Sure enough, several golden lights flashed again, and after a while, several damaged places on the biochemical network were repaired again.

Yin Lili was ecstatic, his heart skipped a beat, and even his voice changed: "Okay, okay, just keep touching like this, don't stop."

But unfortunately, Feng Nantian, who had realized the secret of it at this time, stopped doing it: "It turns out that the thing you used to fight back my immortal power that day was this thing, wonderful, wonderful..."

Now that you know Miao, then hurry up and help.

Yin Lili changed his harsh words just now, and his tone became particularly gentle: "Yes, yes, so you have to help me."

(End of this chapter)

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