The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 1552 Preventing her wedding 1

Chapter 1552 Preventing Her Wedding [-]

"elder brother--"

Stepping over with one stride, Feng Xiyue squatted down and supported his arm.

When Bi Fang saw it, he laughed again in grief and indignation. After laughing, he ran away!

Feng Xiyue's chest rose and fell sharply, of course he knew what was going on right now?Of course he knew that all of this had nothing to do with the person he was supporting, but he was afraid, afraid of the situation that he would not be able to control later.

Sure enough, after Bi Fang left in grief and anger, Ziwei, who had fallen to the ground, also crawled over. Afterwards, Feng Xiyue saw that his fingers holding something began to tremble violently, and his expression, as if he had lost his mind, changed. Get very excited.

"elder brother--"

"Bai Yu, I can't give you the inner alchemy, please don't be angry, okay?"

Feng Xiyue was about to cry, and grabbed that arm with all her strength. At this moment, he wished he could tie himself tightly with him!
Of course he won't be angry, but can he not do this?He can do without Neidan, but he cannot be without him.

However, at this moment, how could he be able to hold him back?I saw the purple energy on his body, and immediately, he threw him to the ground. When he got up from the ground again, he had turned into a purple light and disappeared in front of him.

"Brother!!!" Seeing this scene, he finally yelled in panic.

Seeing it from behind, Chi Qing hurried up to support him: "Fenghuang? Fenghuang, are you alright?"

Yes, Chi Qing, there is Chi Qing beside him.

He woke up like a dream, and immediately, holding the arm of the girl in Tsing Yi, he ran forward like crazy: "Chi Qing, we have to stop Ziwei quickly, otherwise, it will be too late."

"Stop Ziwei? Good!"

Chi Qing didn't know what happened, but when she heard that Shenfeng wanted to stop him, she immediately took him along with the purple light, but never thought that it would be too late when they got there step!
I have never seen such a majestic royal court, and I have never seen such endless colors. It really is that except for the sky, the whole world has become a sprawl here.

Gold is the main color of every royal court, and this place is no exception. From the towering palace spires to the ground on which the soles of the feet step, every place is full of golden light that makes people blinded. It seems that this is a country made of pure gold, even every grain of sand on the ground is pure gold.

It stands to reason that such a color tone will give people a visual effect-magnificent and luxurious atmosphere.

However, when the wide and long steps are covered with dazzling bright red, this place has completely changed into another style, with happy flowers flying all over the sky, ribbons fluttering in the wind, and, The most eye-catching huge flower ball hanging above the royal court, the royal court at this time is not the royal court, it looks more like a priest's field.

Feng Xiyue suddenly remembered his wedding in the heavenly realm. At that time, he remembered that the ostentation was also huge. Because of repaying his kindness, when the heavenly emperor arranged the wedding ceremony, he almost took out all the things that the heavenly realm could provide , So that day, he saw the palace surrounded by colorful auspicious clouds, and he also saw the surroundings of the heavens filled with joy.But now, on such an occasion, he couldn't see a trace of happy wedding. Instead, there was a strange aura everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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