The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 1555 The reason for blocking 2

Chapter 1555 The reason for blocking [-]
Chi Qing also followed, but she didn't understand the principle, but she still knelt down beside her friend: "Your Majesty, you often tell Qing'er that you miss them, but when they come back, you are one after another. Forcing them one by one, you might as well have them come back like this, watching them die like this, what is the difference between this and a tyrant?"


Ancient Emperor Xuanyuan was provoked and wanted to strike again in a rage, but at this moment, Bi Fang Yuanwu, who had been lying there all this time, suddenly threw something from his body. When everyone looked up, their expressions changed slightly.

"The Banner of Zhu Xian?"

"That's right, you can call us back, but we can choose our own life and death, Xuanyuan, I have been ambitious all my life, and I originally planned to bet in your hands, but now, I have changed my mind, and I will be wiped out , I will not surrender to you either."

After finishing speaking, he got up from the ground and walked towards the flag circle.

When Feng Xiyue and Chi Qing saw it, they also smiled bleakly, and walked towards the circle of light.

Bai Zejinluan was even worse. Seeing this flag, not only did she not show fear or fear, on the contrary, her face was full of relief. Afterwards, she bent over and took the man in purple in her arms with her, and walked towards him step by step. that aperture.

Once Zhu Xian comes out, everything will be destroyed!

Ancient Emperor Xuanyuan probably would never have imagined that the five beasts he had searched hard for tens of thousands of years would use such a decisive way to contend with him in the end. He opened his eyes angrily, seeing that the five beasts were about to All of them stepped into the light circle of the flag, and finally, he gritted his teeth and roared angrily: "Okay! This emperor just cancels this wedding!"

After saying a word, the light on the flag on it suddenly disappeared, and everyone looked up, only to realize that it was just Bi Fang Yuanwu's blindfold.

"you you……"

"Your Majesty, I just let you see our attitude towards you in our hearts at the moment. Ziwei is right. If you want us to surrender, you must win our hearts. Just now, it was obvious that we would rather die than belong. As for you, shouldn't you reflect on it?"

In terms of boldness, Bi Fang Yuanwu is definitely one of them. It was like this in the past, and it is still like this now. He didn't think about it at all. If Emperor Xuanyuan turned his face, all of them would be dead.

But Feng Xiyue thought about it, since they are not even afraid of death, I believe Emperor Xuanyuan would not do anything else.

Sure enough, after several times of rage in his heart, Emperor Xuanyuan took a step back and agreed to cancel the wedding, but because he was angry, he refused to heal Ziwei, and took back Feng Xiyue's inner alchemy, There is the Promise Key.

It is a blessing that Feng Xiyue and others escaped, so why would they ask for more?Immediately, a group of people returned to their palace with the unconscious Ziwei.

After returning, Chiqing and Jinluan immediately infused Ziwei with strength to heal her injuries, Feng Xiyue had no inner alchemy and no strength, so she could only stand by and watch anxiously.

Fortunately, although Emperor Xuanyuan was angry with Ziwei, he really didn't kill him. After some treatment, he finally woke up in the anticipation of everyone.

"Ziwei? How do you feel, Ziwei?"

Seeing that he was awake, Bai Ze Jinluan, who had not changed her wedding dress, immediately bent down in front of his bed and asked carefully.

Ziwei was stunned for a moment, as if she was very uncomfortable with her sudden and intimate greeting, Liuli's eyes flickered, and finally, her eyes passed her and stopped on Feng Xiyue behind: "Bai Yu, what's going on? "

(End of this chapter)

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