The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 1628 Past and Present 16

Chapter 1628 Past and Present 16
Therefore, the current Northern Chu is not so much the old emperor's country, but his Chu Yuan's world. Then, since it is his world, can he still not get what he wants?

The next morning, Yuan Chu, the most outstanding student of Chongguang Academy, was going to defect to Qingli Academy, which almost caused a sensation in the entire Yunzhou. For this, Mr. Yuan could only explain in tears that it was because his father insisted that he be versatile in both civil and military affairs. , so that he can serve the country in the future, there is nothing he can do.

Since it is to serve the country, no matter how reluctant or regretful everyone is, they can only agree.

As for Qingli Academy, in order to welcome the arrival of this most sought-after and most spendthrift young master, Mr. Xu has spent all his time.

First, he hung a big red welcome banner on the entire academy, and then ordered people to clean every corner of the academy. If it wasn't for the tough attitude of the female teacher, he almost wanted her to play the piano to welcome him.

Regarding this, the original dozen or so students in Qingli Academy were very dissatisfied!

"Master Xu, look at Mr. Xu, he is also a student, why are you so flattering to Yuan Chu?"

The female master was watering the flowers at that time. Hearing this, she handed the small hoe in her hand to a student: "What are you doing? You just need to learn from your own. What's the matter if he is so flattering? Master Xu And teach him something else?"

That's true, this Qingli Academy, Master Xu who only knows how to shake his head, what new tricks can he teach?On the contrary, their daughter-in-law, who knows astronomy and geography, can teach them to play the piano, paint and play chess in their spare time. Why should they be jealous of those things?

So these people all thought about it, and instead, followed the woman in white in the flower garden, and started to arrange these flowers together.

When Chu Yuan arrived here, it happened that many male students were fertilizing the seedlings in the flower garden according to his master's instructions, so he saw the woman in white clothes like snow among the colorful flowers and reds, as if she was in a thousand purples and reds. In that ray of spring, her blue hair was like a waterfall, her eyebrows and eyes were picturesque, and she wore a snow-colored long dress without any embellishments, like a veil in a mist of green flowers, with shoulders cut into waists and plain, Her muscles were as firm as fat and her breath was like an orchid. Even though her appearance was not outstanding, this temperament alone had already amazed him.

"Master, Yuan Chu, my next student, just started today, so I came here specially to see my master."

The female teacher raised her head, her quiet and indifferent eyes finally looked at him from the colorful flowers and branches over the flowers: "Well, you don't have to be polite, Mr. Yuan, I don't have so many rules here, well, it's time for your class to repair , go to Master Xu's class."

The woman who was busy with her work didn't pay attention to the two new students who were staring at her closely. Instead, she glanced at the bamboo bell over there, and asked everyone to put down the flower hoes in their hands and go to class.

Everyone heard what the female teacher said, so they had to put down the things in their hands, washed their hands, and went to class.

Chu Yuan also went, but at the moment when he turned around, he saw the woman in the flower garden and just bent down. After the small piece of spring that he could see at a glance, the man who had been unruly for many years suddenly looked handsome. It's hot.

What was that feeling like?Chu Yuan couldn't explain clearly, but at this moment, he made up his mind that even if he wanted to go back, he must take her back.

(End of this chapter)

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