The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 168 The Prestige of the Prince

Chapter 168 The Prestige of the Prince

Zheng Liru's strength is not low, but after fighting Yin Lili for the past few days, the wounds in her body have not healed. However, as soon as the green light hit her, she immediately stepped back and leaned over. He vomited a mouthful of blood.

"Mother--" Pei Shanshan's expression changed drastically when she saw it, and she ran over.

Yin Lili was also confused by this sudden scene. It wasn't until she saw a slender and tall purple figure coming from outside the hall after the green light disappeared, that she realized who saved her.

"Is it the prince? His highness is coming!"

"That's right, the prince is really here, now we are saved..."

"Slaves/lower positions refer to His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness is a thousand years old, a thousand years old!

Accompanied by the shouts of tears of joy from everyone in the hall, Yin Lili saw that tall purple figure stepping in and held her wrists tightly: "Chun'an, are you alright?"

The excited and worried tone in Yin Lili's eyes turned red almost as soon as he heard it...

Sure enough, he is the one who cares most about her in the palace.

So she shook her head and wiped the cold sweat from her forehead: "It's okay, but why did you come here?"

It’s okay not to mention this, but when this is mentioned, Pei Yuhan immediately shot two cold gazes at the woman who had just stabilized her figure: "The prince came here to take a look because he heard that there was an assassin incident in the palace. , but what the prince doesn't understand is, since the queen is responsible for investigating this matter, why did she bring the suspected court ladies and eunuchs to her bedroom? Could it be that the queen, as the master of the harem, doesn't know that if a homicide occurs in the palace, it is Do you want to hand this matter over to the Yeting Bureau?"

"You—" Zheng Liru never expected that Pei Yuhan would appear at this time, she was caught off guard, and was immediately blocked by his words.

That's right, in the harem, even the empress can't put the place where the murder case is handled in her own bedroom. You know, the bedroom of the concubines in the harem, except for the emperor, no one else can enter casually.

But now, the empress of the Tianyun Dynasty not only brought all the suspected court ladies here with great fanfare, but also used her Zhongcui Palace as an interrogation field. What does this mean?Does it mean she has ghosts in her heart?Or does it mean she did it on purpose?
Zheng Liru's chest finally heaved violently. Seeing that the Imperial Forest Army hadn't come out after entering the secret passage for so long, she panicked and finally softened her tone: "That's because I'm not feeling well, so I'm dealing with this matter here, Prince Don't be surprised."

Tsk tsk tsk, this person actually still has the time to speak soft words...

Standing next to Pei Yuhan, Yin Lili saw that the woman's face became much more depressed, and the anger that was suppressed in her heart finally eased a lot.

But Pei Yuhan didn't intend to stop there. When he thought that if he had just arrived a little late, the girl he was holding in his hand would have almost died in her hands. Immediately, the icy light in his eyes became quite heavy again: "Since this is the case, it is important for the empress to take care of her health. At this time, I will leave it to the prince to handle it."

After finishing speaking, don't wait for the reaction of the woman opposite?Turning his head, he yelled at Lin Huan, the commander of the imperial forest army who was still standing at the entrance of the secret passage: "The prince ordered that all the imperial forest troops in the palace be mobilized immediately to enter the secret passage. Within two hours, we must find the real culprit!"

(End of this chapter)

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