Chapter 195

No, the dusk when the night falls will not be so dull. Even if the night falls, its air and surroundings are still the same as in the daytime, and it will not be as breathless as it is now, and it will not make people feel That suffocating depression.

She didn't know how long she had been walking, but Yin Lili finally found that the darkness in front of her was gradually fading. Seeing this, she breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly walked towards the gradually fading place. Sure enough, the further she went, The visual effect in front of me is clearer. Of course, the color is still dark, but at least it is no longer a bottomless fog.

Seeing this, Yin Lili walked faster and faster, as if she couldn't wait to get out of this predicament immediately.

But soon, she staggered, as if she had tripped over something, she almost fell off!
After finally regaining her composure, she squatted down and took a look, only to realize that she had entered a bush without knowing what was right, and the thing that tripped her was a withered plant.

What is this?Why does the shape look familiar?

She wanted to leave, but when she lowered her head, she found that the withered plant had huge fan-shaped leaves, so she squatted down curiously.

Fan-shaped blades, didn't she only see that time when she inadvertently broke into Feng Xiyue's space?How come there are such leaves here?
She stared at the withered leaf, and suddenly, her hand shook violently. The next second, she reached out and touched the bush!
Sure enough, all the soft objects that could be reached everywhere were soft objects as if beaten by frost, and when she pulled some of those objects and brought them in front of her, they all had strange postures. Impossible exotic flowers and plants.

Exotic flowers?

Suddenly, she remembered the white world she broke into that day...

That's right, after she walked through the white mist that day, the first thing that caught her eyes were those exotic flowers and plants that the outside world had never seen before, but the exotic flowers and plants that day were extraordinarily vibrant and in full swing, and Today, it seems as if it has been beaten by wind and frost, and it is all withered and unbelievable.

But why did everything I saw today wither?
She raised her head, narrowed her eyes slightly, the light in her pupils, trying to see clearly where this place is through the hazy darkness.But just like this, when a few indistinct water lights flashed into her eyes, her heart suddenly lost its frequency and began to beat rapidly

Could it be that there is...?
She suddenly didn't dare to imagine, her figure just jumped up from the ground.

Feng Nantian once said that if a cultivator reaches a certain level of strength, he can cultivate into his own space, and the size of this space and the things hidden in it all depend on the person. The stronger the strength, the more treasures there are in the space, and the more beautiful the environment inside; if the strength is weak, it goes without saying, not to mention the treasures, even the space inside must be enough to support that space. I am afraid it is also difficult.

But right now, this originally very beautiful place has suddenly become like this. What does this mean?Does it mean that the power of the master of this space is so weak that he doesn't even have the strength to support this space?

(End of this chapter)

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