Chapter 237 Aggressive
Did he kill her?
Of course the answer is no, but he didn't want to explain to her, and he didn't bother to explain to her, because he found that as long as he faced her, he would lose his mind. , will be out of control, and this feeling is precisely what he dislikes the most.

So at this time, he didn't explain, in order to completely draw a line with this woman.

Yin Lili didn't know what that man was thinking?Seeing that he finally left, he immediately let out a long sigh of relief hugging the big tree.

TMD, you damn phoenix, do you think labor and management want to see you?Labor and management can't wait to see you again for the rest of their lives!
After venting her anger, she wanted to look for Lan Ling who had been blown away, but when she turned her head, she realized that the woman named Su Yi had been standing there the whole time, and her eyes were almost astonishing. As soon as she saw it, a creep came from behind her.

Oops, she was so careless, why did she forget that she was still here?
Just as she was secretly regretting, on the other side, the expressionless woman walked towards her coldly: "Who the hell are you?"

Yin Lili stepped back half a step, eyes drooping slightly: "It's just an inconspicuous human being, don't worry about Su Yi Shangxian."

"Is it?"

Su Yi snorted coldly: "You said that Xi Yue has already killed you once, so what is your relationship with him?"

While speaking, the powerful murderous aura from this man's body had already pressed to Yin Lili's forehead.

Yin Lili had heard from Lan Ling that this Suyi Shangxian was a direct disciple of Patriarch Bodhi, the highest figure in the heavens. Since she was a direct disciple, her mana would not be so weak. The two forces on her body should not be underestimated, but she has no hope of resisting her.

So he pursed his lips, and took a step back calmly: "That's because I stole something from him at the order of Emperor Bai Zhi, so he wanted to kill me."

Talking about lying, in fact, if Yin Lili claimed to be the second, no one would dare to admit that she was the first, because often some words came out of her mouth, and the logic and rigor were impeccable.

Sure enough, after hearing these words, Su Yi was still on the verge of killing, and immediately stopped: "Something? What is it?"

"Jade pendant, but unfortunately, I didn't steal it."

It turned out to be this——

Su Yi let out a long sigh of relief, not doubting the truth of these words at all.

Quickly restraining her hostility, she gave the girl a cold look again: "Then I will give you another chance for Lan Ling's sake, but you will remember it for me. Please stay away from him Yue, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Yin Lili raised his eyebrows: "What Shangxian taught me is that I must remember it. Don't worry, when the emperor comes back, I will ask him to send me back immediately."

Hearing this, the expressionless woman finally gave a cold snort in satisfaction, and left here.

Seeing that she was gone, Yin Lili finally let go and collapsed on the ground...

It seems that this place can't stay anymore, if she doesn't leave, it will be really a catastrophe.

So she got up from the ground again, ready to find the dead vixen who didn't know where she was slapped to take her back, but as soon as she stepped out of Yaochi, she saw Lan Xiyao running over in a hurry, and saw her , and immediately asked: "Chun'an, where is my second brother? Where has my second brother gone?"

(End of this chapter)

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