The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 261 She Was Originally a Golden Branch and Jade Leaf in the Human World

Chapter 261 She Was Originally a Golden Branch and Jade Leaf in the Human World
Therefore, it is not surprising that Feng Shu would be shocked when he heard that Shuo Yu was separated.

The Emperor of Heaven and others were surprised when they heard what he said, but what they were most curious about was the human woman who split the jade pendant.

Since the piece of jade phoenix attacking the moon has not changed for more than 300 years, why did it separate when it was in the hands of the human woman?

"Actually, I was also very confused about this at the beginning, but after I saw the little girl's fate from Yuelao, I thought it was a good thing."

"Oh? But why?" Everyone was very curious when they heard this.

Feng Shu smiled slightly, and said: "The reincarnated Xingjun was right just now, that little girl's destiny is indeed extraordinary, she was originally the first princess of the Tianyun Dynasty in the human world, but when she was born, her parents were killed by traitors, the little princess In order to survive, he confessed to the thief as his father and has been forbearing in the palace, and now it is fifteen."

As soon as this statement came out, there was another uproar in the palace!
God, it turns out that the little girl is a princess of the human world. No wonder she didn't show any flaws even though she put on the skin of Emperor Xi Yao, but it turned out that she was a real princess in the first place.

Su Yi's complexion finally turned pale again...

Before, she kept saying that she was a humble human being, not worthy of the divine phoenix prince, but she did not expect that she would be a real golden branch and jade leaf in the human world. Know how much stronger it is.

As a result of one thought, the knuckles of the fingers of the whole hand turned white!

Feng Shu saw all this in his eyes, so he didn't expose it. After seeing the flash of jealousy in her eyes, he smiled lightly and continued to add: "Actually, compared to everyone here, that child may not be able to Where is the difference? She is only 15 years old, but she is already one of the best masters in the human world. She has the number one Qilin beast element in the human world. By now, she can summon a real Qilin beast. I think, With such a cultivation base, you may not have this ability when you ascend to the heavens, right?"

When everyone heard this, they all lowered their heads in shame.

Isn't it?Although it is said that they have achieved immortality now, who has not achieved today's results after decades of hard work in the cold window?What's more, I am afraid that he will not be able to go to heaven until after death.

At that moment, everyone stopped talking, but what happened in their hearts was a tinge of admiration for the girl who dared to fight with Penglai Suyi just now with only her flesh and blood.

A unicorn beast warrior is actually nothing compared to the heavens, but warriors are not afraid, and those who are afraid are not martial. She knew that there was a disparity in strength between herself and the opponent in the fight just now, but she still chose to resist, chose to take action, and even for the sake of This tough breath cost him a finger.

In an instant, these heavenly people who had just looked down on Yin Lili changed into an attitude of admiration in a blink of an eye. As for Su Yi, the eyes that everyone looked at her were not as hot as before, but more A trace of disdain.

When Su Yi saw her, of course she was startled and angry, and wanted to leave this place immediately, but under the watchful eyes of everyone, if she left suddenly, they were afraid that everyone would think she was narrow-minded, so she could only continue to endure.

However, after hearing what Feng Shu said, the Emperor of Heaven blushed and said: "It turned out that this is what happened. I didn't know that the princess of the human world had such a relationship with the Divine Phoenix Clan. I hurt her just now. It's terrible." What should I do?"

After all, the Emperor of Heaven is the emperor of a realm, with a big heart, capable of bending and stretching, as soon as he learned the truth of the matter, he immediately apologized to Feng Shu.

(End of this chapter)

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