The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 307 The Legendary Divine Phoenix Dynasty

Chapter 307 The Legendary Divine Phoenix Dynasty
The huge mountains are magnificent and look like the back of the landscape after splashing ink, and in the middle of the back, lakes, large or small, are like pearls scattered among the mountains.The sparkling emerald green is as clear as dyed.At first glance, it looks like a fish swimming in a painting.

And these are not the most beautiful, the most amazing thing is that not far away, in the place where the white mist is transpiring like a dream, all kinds of phoenixes are like being in a forgotten peach blossom garden, They are gathering or flying on the lake or playing in the water, the breeze blows slightly, and the glow is surrounded by purple air. It seems that this is the most beautiful and most desirable place in the world.

"General Jiang, is this your Shenfeng Mountain?"

Jiang Chi had already seen the enchantment of the royal court not far away, and was about to go there to open it, when he suddenly heard the crisp voice of the girl in Feng Yu, so he had to turn back again: "Back to the princess, yes, this is Shenfeng Mountain Yes, but the place we are currently docking at is just Shuiyunjian, which is where ordinary people of the Shenfeng clan live, and when we go further in and open that layer of enchantment, we will be able to see the royal court."

Haven't arrived at the royal court yet?
Yin Lili was very surprised when she heard the words, she had been to the fairyland before, the most beautiful is Yaochi, the most luxurious is the heavenly court, but the scenery she sees now is even more beautiful than those seen in the heavenly realm A little bit, because although the heavens are beautiful, they lack a kind of reality, giving people the feeling that they will always be ethereal and empty, as if they are in an illusion.

But here is different, she really smelled the breath of mountains and rivers, and clearly saw the most ingenious masterpieces of nature, so, she may like this place more than heaven.

But now, General Jiang told her that she hadn't arrived at the royal court yet, so what kind of magnificent scenery would it be if she arrived at the royal court?
Just as he was secretly surprised, in front of him, he saw a neon light that was as steep as a veil that was lifted. For a moment, he just saw the scenery of a river in front of Feng Luan, and a magical change began in an instant. When she couldn't help opening the entire car curtain to look at it, the towering and perfect palace like a castle in a fairy tale was presented in front of her without any warning.

It turns out that this is the Divine Phoenix Palace...

Looking at the beautiful palace group that could hardly be described in words, Yin Lili suddenly felt that the Tianyun Palace, which he had stayed in for more than ten years, could only be called a prototype that was made at will. As for this palace, it looks more like a place of pilgrimage in the dreams of countless people, with neon mist curling around and glowing under the sun, if it weren't for the real touch of the soles of her feet, she would really think that this is just one of her own. Dream.

"Princess Qi, the royal court of our Divine Phoenix Clan is in front of you, please come this way!" Seeing the girl in Feng Huan round up her pair of clear almond eyes and staring outside, Jiang Chi was a little suspicious of Feng Huan. The ancestors of the family said that the princess is calm and calm, is different from ordinary people, are they joking with him?

Yin Lili didn't know it, when he heard that he was going to enter the barrier, he suddenly felt an inexplicable joy in his heart——

Since this place looks so beautiful from the outside, wouldn't it be even more amazing when you go in?
(End of this chapter)

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