The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 323 Killing Shemale

Chapter 323 Killing Shemale
Mulian Qingyou was still in astonishment, perhaps, he would never have thought that the Crown Princess would reject him so straightforwardly, and the reason for rejecting him was so straightforward.

It wasn't until my wrist hurt and I looked down that I realized, when?This woman has already shot him!
"You... you actually sneak attack?"

Your mother just attacked!
Yin Lili was angry, and quickly pulled out her two fingers. She withdrew the biochemical decay force in her body and pointed her toes, and flew directly from the seat to the top of his head like a butterfly: "My lord wizard, this is not called a sneak attack. This is called surprise!"

"You!!!" Mulian Qingyou almost fainted from the anger.

By surprise?

How dare this woman catch him by surprise?
Mu Lian Qingyou was absolutely mad with anger, thinking that she, a great wizard with seventh-level divine power, would fall into one.milk.In the hand of the stinky little girl, he suddenly became angry, raised his fire-breathing eyes and stared straight at the woman above.

When Yin Lili saw it, he laughed again: "My lord wizard, what are you doing? Do you also want to use beauty tricks on this princess? I'm really sorry, this princess doesn't like transvestites, so I still advise you to save yourself Bar."

As soon as the words fell, she thought that this person would be so angry that he vomited blood, but at this moment, Jiang Chi's voice suddenly came in: "Princess and concubine, you have to be careful, he is about to start using witchcraft .”

But it turned out that after Jiang Chi came in, he thought that Mu Lian Qingyou was vicious in nature, but the witchcraft was something the princess had never seen before, so he left a sound stone in the Phoenix Mirror. It was through this stone that Yin Lili was reminded.


When Yin Lili heard these two words, he immediately stepped back a few feet.

Sure enough, after the eyes of this person who had been staring at her all turned into cat-like green pupils, suddenly, a strange cold surged around her. When did it all turn into a different kind of scenery, the dark, quiet, suffocating silence gave people a sense of breathlessness and depression.

It seemed that she must have fallen under his illusion.

Yin Lili doesn't understand witchcraft, but as a person who has dealt with supernatural powers since her previous life, she knows that in the BIG group, as the only Ye Lingsha with supernatural eyes, she can also use it. The eyes are the opponent's entry into the illusion set by her, and at that time, it is usually the best time for her to attack the enemy.

It is precisely for this reason that she suffered a lot from Ye Lingsha's hands. Until later, the base programmed the retinal variation perspective function in her biochemical network, so that even after entering Ye Lingsha's illusion, she could still Can see through the environment at a glance, and feel the breath of the other party.

However, as soon as she saw the overwhelming darkness at this time, she immediately closed her eyes slightly, and a ray of thought entered the biochemical network in her body, turning on the perspective variation used for emergency rescue.

And at this time, the people surrounded outside the Phoenix Mirror sensed that Mulian Qingyou had started to use witchcraft, the Divine Phoenix King Feng Qi directly used the power of the Divine Phoenix to forcibly push away his thick fog that shielded the Phoenix Mirror, so In an instant, all the movements in the Phoenix mirror were displayed in front of everyone one by one.

But in the bamboo grove, the man in red clothes like fire and silver hair like a demon still stood there without moving, but the girl floating above his head seemed to have lost her sense of direction obviously, and her whole body was in a great panic. A flaw appeared above the man in red.

(End of this chapter)

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