The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 542 Step into Wuwang Inn

Chapter 542 Step into Wuwang Inn
Because she didn't want to attract attention after she came out, Yin Lili specially allowed her to call her by her name, but this girl was lucky enough to add the word "elder sister" as soon as she opened her mouth, as if she was afraid that others would not know that she was younger than herself.

In fact, she, Pei Chun'an, is half a year younger than her.

Just call, she won't grow old anyway, as long as she doesn't make too much noise.

"We are here to do business, not to enjoy. If you don't like it, you can go back." Talking to this woman, Yin Lili almost developed a conditioned reflex, and the moment he opened his mouth, he asked her to go back.

Yes, let her go back, she is really annoying.

But when the woman heard that she wanted her to go back again, she didn't ask to change the inn, so she posted it directly: "Sister, I will carry the burden for you..."

Before she finished speaking, she had already snatched away the poor baggage in her hand.

After two days of torture, Yin Lili basically became numb. Seeing that she had already entered, she also collapsed.

However, upon entering, the inside is also very dilapidated, with mottled tables and chairs, and almost no bright decorations. It feels like an old store that has been in business for a long time and is about to close down.

But what surprised her was that it was such an inn, but the hall was full of people, and each table was filled with sumptuous food and drink. At first glance, it was very prosperous.

"It seems that this is really a century-old store, look at these customers..."

Jun Ruoshui was also very surprised, but what she was more interested in was asking gossip, and when she saw a vacant seat on a table, she immediately sat there uninvited: "Brother, do you often come to this store? "

That person was having a drink with his friend, and when he saw the person approaching, she was a pretty girl, and immediately chatted enthusiastically.

Seeing this, Yin Lili wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, took the opportunity, and took out a small yellow flower that he brought with him...

Lan Ling said that because Wuwang City is a borderland outside the Three Realms, it is impossible for ordinary people to enter, unless he can produce the Wuwang Flower that only grows in Wuwang City. If you see it, you will open the enchantment door leading to Wuwang Realm for him, otherwise, you will never even think about entering it.

Sure enough, as soon as the little yellow flower was taken out, a thin man in a gray robe came over immediately: "Where did the girl come from?"

Yin Lili was inexplicably nervous. He wanted to say that he came from Li country, but he was afraid that he would be suspicious. After thinking about it, he finally replied: "Nanzhao."


"Yes, my sister and I were in Yuxue Peak in Nanzhao. After being discovered, they have been hunted down by them. Not long ago, I met an expert who gave me this little yellow flower, saying that here can let people I took shelter with my sister, and here I am."

I have to say that Lan Ling, that dead fox, really knows a lot.

For example, this time, he said that if you want to enter Wuwang City, you can only pretend to be a refugee, otherwise those borderline beasts who are extremely vigilant will not let you in.

Sure enough, after hearing her pitiful narration, the man in gray immediately softened his expression: "Come with me."

succeeded? ! !
Yin Lili was ecstatic, and wanted to call Shang Jun Ruoshui, but when she looked back, she saw that she was still chatting passionately with that man, and thought of leaving her behind.

The future is uncertain, so why take her life again?

At that moment, she followed the man in gray to the back hall alone...

(End of this chapter)

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