Chapter 566
He actually—

He actually said that he didn't know her?

Suddenly her eyes turned black, and her body didn't know if it was because of the injury on her leg?Still because of the blow of this sentence, he also began to fall backwards precariously.

Seeing her from behind, Pei Yuhan hurried over to support her: "Chun'an, what's wrong with you, Chun'an?"

Yin Lili smiled bleakly: "It's okay, brother, I'm sorry, I'm the one who got you down."

When Pei Yuhan heard this, he didn't speak, but his eyes turned red first...

"Fool, don't you know? In this life, being able to die with you is already my greatest happiness."

Before the words fell, a white light was like the whip in the hands of someone who was furious, and he was thrown out with such a speed that when Yin Lili came back to her senses, only her brother was left in the purple circle of light above. Floating further and further away, she shouted: "Chun'an, I want to die with you..."

die together...

Yin Lili shuddered inexplicably, and before studying the sudden incident carefully, the swaying of the soles of her feet began again. At that moment, she vaguely heard a sentence: "Xiyue, let's go!"

After that, she only felt the world spinning for a while, and then she was completely plunged into darkness...

Waking up again, Yin Lili was woken up by the heavy rain. When she opened her eyes, she saw raindrops falling from the sky above her head. Although the area was dark after seeing the raindrops, it was completely normal light There was a momentary pause in my mind.

Could it be...she escaped too?

It took her a full five seconds to digest, and finally, she got up from the ground, and then looked around...

Surprisingly, she found that she was in a forest at the moment, with towering trees reaching into the sky, primitive ground overgrown with weeds, and surrounding shrubs and thorns that she could barely name, but the branches were extraordinarily dense. , what she appeared here was not only a forest, but also a primeval forest.

It turned out to be just a forest.

After looking at the environment she was in, she felt a little relieved in her heart, and then she stood up with the help of the big tree next to her, and staggered to find a place that could shelter from the rain, and only then did she examine the injuries on her legs .

Fortunately, the injury on the foot is not very serious, and after taking the pill that Feng Xiyue gave, the wound has recovered a lot, I believe it will be fine after a little rest.

Thinking of what the woman said before she lost consciousness, a wry smile appeared on her pale face.

It seems that they should have left...

For a rain, I waited like this for almost half an hour. After half an hour, the rain finally stopped, so she came out from the grass tent, intending to go out to find the way, but unexpectedly, when she came out, What she saw on the ground surprised her!
I saw that the ground was covered with a layer of bushes and thorn leaves just now. After the rain stopped, it started to grow like crazy. The speed was so fast that she just blinked her eyes. The bushes in front of her, It had already grown into a towering tree, and the thorn leaf also began to stretch out its vines frantically, spreading towards the surroundings.

Crazy, this world must be crazy!

She finally realized that something was wrong, so before the bushes behind had grown up, she began to flee towards that side quickly.

However, the growth speed of these things has exceeded her imagination. In less than a moment, she fell into a trap set by a hunter, and her whole body was surrounded by those bushes and thorny branches.

(End of this chapter)

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