Chapter 577

"Is it uncomfortable there?"

"I don't feel comfortable there!"

What a boring conversation...

Yin Lili struggled to get down from his arms, saw a restaurant happened to be on the right side, and suddenly felt the gluttons crawling out of his stomach: "I'm so hungry, let's go eat?"

Feng Xiyue has black lines all over her head!
Can this woman be more mischievous?This is the real Wuwang City, a city where only alien beasts live. She is telling him to eat now?Isn't she afraid that after eating those things, they will poison her to death?

But just in such a daze, the woman limped and walked over: "Boss, do you have anything to eat here?"

I rub!

He must have heard wrong...

But then, the boss' voice came again: "Of course, we have all kinds of food here. Who are you? Divine beasts? Even if people from the heavens come, they won't be hungry."

Feng Xiyue frantically wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Could it be that he was really too nervous about this matter?This place is not as dangerous as he imagined?

Just as he was lost in thought, the woman who successfully got the food at the door of the restaurant waved her hand and shouted at him: "Xiaoyue, come here quickly, here is your favorite pink fruit elbow."

Satsuki?Fenguo elbow?
Feng Xiyue suddenly felt as if a warm current surged quickly in his heart, it was so comfortable, as if the big stone that had been pressing on his heart for days had finally been removed, making him feel relaxed.

"Did you bring any money?"

At that time, Yin Lili was holding a piece of sweet taro lamb that he liked to eat, when he heard this, his smile froze: "Did you not bring it?"

This expression is really indescribable... cute!
Feng Xiyue quickly turned her gaze back, but her lips could not help but curl up slightly: "I didn't bring you!"


The grandson!
Yin Lili swallowed the taro cake in his hand in one gulp, not caring whether he had money or not, and picked up a lot of their favorite food, and limped to an empty table.

But it turned out that when Feng Xiyue stayed in Muzizhou under the pseudonym Bai Xiaoyue, she had already figured out his hobbies.

Feng Xiyue followed and saw that she was very satisfied in her heart, but she didn't make a sound on the surface. She only waited for her meal to destroy almost everything that belonged to her on the table, and then looked at her and said lightly: "Although I don't know why this restaurant sells our food, but you still have to be careful."

Yin Lili nodded: "Don't worry, although I'm disabled by a third, I still have a sense of vigilance."

While talking, while feasting.

Feng Xiyue was very dissatisfied when she saw her wolfing down: "You haven't eaten for a long time? Why are you so hungry?"

As soon as these words were said, Yin Lili stopped putting his fingers into his mouth.

However, her movements were very strange, instead of refuting as before, she suddenly looked at the unfinished food in her hand and stopped moving.

What is this reaction?
Feng Xiyue wasn't used to her being so quiet all of a sudden, seeing that she really didn't move, she turned her head and said firmly, "Hurry up, we have other things to do after eating."

Is there anything else?
Sure enough, as soon as Yin Lili heard this, he stuffed the rest of the food into his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it quickly.

Ge Laozi, should this corpse be so rampant?Isn't it afraid that she will break her stomach and break up in two?
(End of this chapter)

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