The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 585 I Come From Another World

Chapter 585 I Come From Another World

But now, after the shocking change that almost knocked him out of his wits just now, he suddenly discovered that he actually didn't know a lot of things, and the woman in front of him didn't know as much as he imagined. Very weird power, like those things she never mentioned to her.

Yin Lili didn't move, she was very quiet, even if he asked this question, her wrists that were placed in his palms didn't move a bit.

Finally, did he still ask?
So, is she going to tell him the truth?
It seemed like she had been thinking for a long time, until Feng Xiyue thought she would not answer her, and then saw her lowering her eyes suddenly: "I never lied to you, it's just that you don't believe it."

When Feng Xiyue heard this, the fingers holding the scissors that were about to cut off her nails froze there!
Do not believe?
That is to say, is it true?
Suddenly his palms felt cold, and his complexion turned pale in an instant: "Then you are...?"

"Actually, I'm not a person in this world. No, I'm not a human being. I'm a biochemical corpse. Do you understand a biochemical corpse? It's half human, half corpse. My organization, in order to train me into a top agent, specially Changed my genes and planted this biochemical net in my body, and this biochemical net was extracted and mutated from the thousand-year-old corpse king."

Having said that, Yin Lili raised his head, looked at the man in front of him whose face had begun to crack, and whose eyes were faintly entwined with blue mist, and mocked lightly: "Doesn't that sound a bit unbelievable?"

Not only is it unbelievable, it is simply a fantasy!
Feng Xiyue didn't speak, but the tense and tense face indicated the tension in his heart at the moment, and the anxiety that he couldn't wait to know.

So Yin Lili continued: "Originally, I was used by my organization to deal with another group's supernatural killer, but who knew that the internal strife in that group detonated the nuclear energy. I just received the news and rushed over that day, so it was very unfortunate. , I became a victim of that internal strife. I thought I was dead, but when I opened my eyes, I found that I was reborn on the fetus in Zheng Wanru's womb, so I was reborn as a human. I would return to the life of an ordinary person, but I never expected that a month later, I would discover the biochemical power in my body. It was from that moment on that I realized that the biochemical net that was refined by the thousand-year-old corpse king was also Someone with a strong will, and this will came along with my rebirth."

That's right, if it wasn't for this reason, Yin Lili couldn't figure out why he was reborn in this world that had nothing to do with that world, and the biochemical net still followed him like a shadow?

Of course, there may be another reason, that is the unicorn power in Zheng Wanru's body!

In order to obtain the Qilin Beast Yuan in Zheng Wanru's body, Zheng Liru deliberately imprisoned her pregnant sister in the cold palace. She thought that after she gave birth, the Qilin Beast Yuan would automatically transfer to the baby, and then she could get the Beast Yuan from the baby.

But never expected that Zheng Wanru, who has a strong personality, would expel the unicorn beast energy from his body in advance, and the qilin power in his body would also be transferred from the dantian to the child. This is why Yin Lili could feel it when he was born. The cause of another force.

Since it is because of the existence of this power, then when she was reincarnated, this power protected the biochemical power in her mind and it might not disperse...

(End of this chapter)

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