The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 602 She Was Actually Chun'an Pei

Chapter 602 She Was Actually Chun'an Pei

No, there are at least some living creatures in the ruins, and she completely turned that place into a dead city, a dead city without any life.

Afterwards, the three words Yin Lili became a high-risk match for the BIG Group, and some people in the headquarters even proposed to send someone to study what the dead woman was made of?

Of course, that's impossible. Who told her to destroy that city in the end?
Therefore, women are terrifying creatures, especially now, when Yin Lili in Blood Charm was something even the BIG Group couldn't covet, let alone now these are just alien beasts with a little witch power?
Of course, there is another very important reason, that is, the blood charm in blue at this time is no longer the female agent who only has three deadly weapons on her back. At this time, to be honest, she herself does not Do you know how many there are?Because at this moment, after she was integrated into her body by the Zixia Pill, the powerful force instantly upgraded the biochemical network in her body by another five times. Her unconscious mind was so burned that there was only one word left - kill!


Shooting without hindrance, she was like a god of death who had broken into the land of no one, but in a moment, those men in black who rushed up from the opposite side disappeared layer by layer like fallen leaves swept away by the autumn wind. In front of her, however, she has never advanced half a step from beginning to end.

Because, every time she takes a step, the huge nuclear energy radiation from the protective clothing on her body will make everything within three feet of her decay, and the white target locked in front of her is automatically listed as a Rescue object.

So, she won't take half a step!

Mu Lian Qingyou is a shrewd person, and the damage of his own team finally allowed him to discover the purpose of the monster. He didn't feel sad or angry about this, but instead, he felt an inexplicable sense of excitement, because Mu Lian Qingyou Finally know her weakness, and finally know how he can win?
Flicking over quickly, he stretched out five fingers, and a cloud of black mist quickly spread from that central point.

Seeing it from below, Feng Xiyue was startled and angry: "Chun'an, don't come here!"


That monster is Pei Chun'an?

Mulian Qingyou trembled all over, and the black mist in her hand also slowed down due to the shock in her body.

It was at that moment that Feng Xiyue stumbled towards the blue shadow who was three feet away from her...

"The program has been messed up, the system will explode! The system will explode!"

Time seemed to stand still. At this moment, in the wilderness of Wan Lai, except for the rapid mechanical female voice in the body of the woman covered by the blue metal shell, the whole space was so quiet that it was difficult to even breathe. of.

The system will detonate?
Feng Xiyue has never heard these strange words, but when he entered the circle within three feet, he felt the tingling pain on his body, and the man in blue who was three feet away from him on the opposite side began to make some things that made him feel uncomfortable. With a very uneasy move, his heart trembled, he clutched his chest and quickly exited the blue-covered area.

Sure enough, as soon as he quit, the voice in her body changed immediately: "The program is chaotic, it must be terminated immediately! It must be terminated immediately!"


That should be better than detonating, right?

(End of this chapter)

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