The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 610 He is the first wet nurse...

Chapter 610 He is a nanny......

After finally opening her mouth to eat, Yin Lili's condition is much better than when she first moved in. She was locked in the ice room before, and after she drank Feng Xiyue's blood, she would lie quietly on the ice On the bed, she remained motionless, like a dormant animal, until Feng Xiyue came to feed her blood again.

But ever since she ate the first dumpling that was stained with his blood, it seemed that she had gradually changed. She no longer stayed in the ice room, but followed Feng Xiyue all the time, either. Sitting obediently at the table in the inner hall, the whole person is as obedient as an obedient kitten.

When Feng Xiyue saw it, sometimes she thought of her fangs and claws in the past, and couldn't help but find it funny...

She was once such a powerful and pungent person, but unexpectedly, she would also become so cute sometimes.

"Chun'an, I have something to go out today, can you stay here temporarily?"

After all, it has been more than half a month since I came back from Wuwang City, Feng Xiyue was afraid that if she didn't go out again, Feng Shu would really come to her.

At that time, Yin Lili was sitting on a bed of ice, dipping his fingers into the blood plasma in the cup bit by bit, and when he heard this, he didn't react at all, but his fingers squeaked as he ate, which was a joy.

Feng Xiyue couldn't laugh or cry, suddenly, he felt like a nanny, and this woman was just like the child he was nursing.

So I squeezed a few more drops of blood into the small cup, and then set up a barrier outside the ice room, and went to the Shenfeng King's Court.

As soon as they arrived at the royal court, as expected, Feng Shu and the others were already waiting there impatiently. Judging from the posture, it was really the rhythm that if he didn't come out again, he would forcibly break into the Nanyuan Palace.

Seeing this, he sorted out his emotions, and then, under everyone's eagerly watching, stepped into the throne that already belonged to him step by step.

"The ministers and others see the king, long live the king, long live the king!"

As soon as they sat down, all those people knelt on the ground in unison, and even Feng Shu stood up from that chair.

Feng Xiyue was not quite used to such a scene, seeing this scene, a hint of disgust flashed across her expressionless face, and then she turned her eyes away from those people.

Seeing this, Feng Shu hurriedly yelled on behalf of his great-grandson: "Everyone, get up, the king has just left the customs, and he may not be in good health, so don't follow so many etiquettes."

It is true that Feng Xiyue is not in good health. In the past half month, Yin Lili has not sucked much blood each time, but she has asked for a lot of times, usually more than ten times a day, sometimes even twenty times, so , His face is pale, which is also normal.

But in this way, it made his sickly beauty even more. You know, he was a famous beauty in the Three Realms. Now, if he sat there with such a skin as snow and jade, and his lips were like mutton fat, everyone would immediately look at him. What is the majesty of their king, but they all admire his celestial appearance...

When Feng Shu saw it, he was very dissatisfied. Of course he knew that his great-grandson had an outstanding face, but what he wanted more was that these members of the Shenfeng clan worked hard, okay?
So the old man's face sank, and he said: "Didn't you say that you have something to play? Now that the king is here, why are you silent again?"

After such a reminder, finally, those people came back to their senses.Only then did they each reveal some things that they were responsible for in the world of beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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