The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 613 She wants to kill him?

Chapter 613 She wants to kill him?

"'s okay, hurry... let her go..." Feng Xiyue's face was as white as paper, but her eyes were still staring anxiously at the woman pushed away by him.

When Lan Ling saw this, he was so angry that he was about to go crazy. Seeing that he was as pale as a dead man and was about to pass out, he was so angry that he had to transfer his immortal power to him immediately: "Feng Xiyue , One day, you will die in her hands."

Feng Xiyue didn't speak, of course he knew that his friend was angry because he couldn't see him being hurt, but there was a reason for the scene just now, wasn't it?

So he quietly glanced at the woman who had calmed down at the moment, but his eyes began to appear dazed again: "So what if she died at her hands? Isn't it all because of me that she has become like this now? "

When Lan Ling heard this, she fell silent!
Indeed, if she hadn't seen him being murdered by Ling Suyi in the illusion and his life was dying, she would not have been stimulated to become like this. Yue really couldn't escape there.

Thinking of this, Emperor Bai Zhi, who has always been calm and calm, also sighed: "I hope your painstaking efforts will not be in vain. I thought she was really well, but it turned out that you have been feeding her with your own blood."

Feng Xiyue shook her head: "Not all, I can feel that she is also working hard, haven't you seen? Her behavior just now is obviously not as crazy as when she was in Wuwang City, at least, she can feel my love. The presence."

While talking, across the street, the woman had already walked over step by step.

When Lan Ling saw it, she couldn't help but say that she was going to drag Feng Xiyue away on the ground, but it was too late, and then it was too late, only to see the blue light moving in front of her, and the woman didn't have to do anything at all, he seemed to be bounced by a huge force When it opened, it was thrown more than ten feet away with a bang.

This woman whose conscience was eaten by dogs!
Lan Ling gritted her teeth in pain...

Feng Xiyue was also shocked, he never imagined that she would still want his own blood, seeing her approaching him step by step, in the silence of Wan Lai, he seemed to hear the few sounds of liquid flowing in the blood , and seemed to see himself being sucked into blood and dying soon, so he didn't move, and a pair of glazed phoenix eyes with a touch of sadness stared at her quietly.

Is she even a little sober?Is she even a little bit reluctant?
In the silence, finally, he saw her squatting down in front of him, so he twitched the corners of his mouth and called softly: "Chun'an—"


Still indifferent and indifferent, the cold air emanating from her body was enough to freeze his whole body.

That is, in that cold sky, he saw her give birth to his own fingers. The fingers were as green as jade, white and delicate, and he couldn't tell at all that they were a pair of hands that had killed many people. She couldn't smell the smell of blood on her body at the moment.

Then, as he expected, he saw her move her finger to his lips, then his neck, and then...

The faint blue light is as bright as a crystal!
In just half a second, the familiar ice-blue needle pierced into his heart veins, and after that, a fog-like blue air flow slowly surged from her arm, which was as thin and transparent as a cicada's wing. .Just like a stream flowing in a mountain stream, he watched the blue mist passing through her veins bit by bit, and then all of it was pushed into the blue needle between them.

(End of this chapter)

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