The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 622 What a weird power

Chapter 622 What a weird power
But who knows?She was faster, the menacing old man was faster, before she stepped on the steps, a fiery red neon light came, and immediately, her whole body was like a haystack that was set on fire, and it burned up in a flash.


The flower demon has never been tortured like this before. With a scream, the person was burnt by the fire and fell to the ground.

When all the spirits saw her, they were shocked and wanted to go to rescue her, but at this time, Feng Shu, who was already at the door of the ice room, cast two cold eyes over him: "It's up to you? Huh! Who Dare to move again? I will blow you all to ashes!"

After speaking, he walked towards the ice room with his head held high.

Frightened by this, the spirits dared not move again. Seeing that he had already stretched out his hand towards the door of the ice room, they were startled and horrified. They had to drag the burned flower demon away desperately, and then moved again. I didn't dare to move half a point.

I originally thought that this matter is really over, because the person who is locked in the ice room at this moment was ordered by His Highness to sleep at the Sleeping Point, and this person is precisely the person who came to hate the most. Once he learns the truth, What awaits her is only unimaginable consequences.

However, no one would have imagined that the moment Feng Shu opened the door of the ice room and pulled it away, suddenly, a very strong blue light burst out from the inside, the speed was so fast that Feng Shu was almost shocked. There was no reaction, and the person was like a sandbag being knocked out, and flew several feet away with a bang!

What a powerful force!

When all the spirits saw it, they were all dumbfounded.

And the flower demon, even in the raging flames, tried her best to support the face that was burned to the point of blood: "Prince Princess..."

With a call like a gossamer, the blue light dimmed in an instant. Afterwards, everyone was stunned to see that their princess concubine, with the blue light that made people faint, walked step by step. Walked towards them.

Empress Dowager——

The flower demon was also a little startled, but how powerful is Feng Shu's beast fire?But after a while, her head drooped powerlessly again, and the energy on her body, because of the burning of those raging fires, began to slowly disappear and evaporate, until finally, even the spirit behind her was twisted. Go too far.

The flower demon is probably going to die, right?

Everyone was very sad, because the flower demon was the longest surviving among them, and she was also the most loved by the master, but now, she was about to die...

But what everyone didn't expect was that just when they thought the flower demon was going to die, the woman in blue who had already walked in front of her pointed her finger at her. Afterwards, everyone only saw a strong blue After the mist gushed out from her fingertips, the raging fire on their flower demon's body was covered by a thin layer of light blue frost flowers. Immediately afterwards, her whole body seemed to be frozen, completely turned into an icicle.

What a weird power...

Although they also saw the difference of the princess concubine yesterday, everyone was still dumbfounded when they saw it today, especially when they saw that the flower demon who was dying just now was frozen by her with blue mist in an instant When she got up, everyone looked at her without moving.

Fuck, this power is perverted enough, does that mean... the master's ancestors are no longer her opponents?
(End of this chapter)

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