The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 701 Mulian Qingyou's Conspiracy

Chapter 701 Mulian Qingyou's Conspiracy

After all the calculations were done, Yin Lili didn't hesitate to stick the thin mask on her face, and she got mixed into the group of Nanzhao palace ladies who were going out to buy.

Nanzhao Palace——

I heard that the emperor of Nanzhao became seriously ill three days ago, and after that, the court began to be in chaos. As for the reason for the chaos, of course, it was because of the three princes under the emperor's knees, and these three princes have grown up now, and each has their own As soon as the emperor became seriously ill, the forces supporting them from various factions in the court began to become incompatible.

How about those princes?Yin Lili didn't know, but she learned from Bodhi that the message from Ling Suyi's little spirit mirror was that Mulian Qingyou wanted to use the identity of the eldest prince Jun Wuyou to ascend the throne and become emperor, that is to say, After entering the palace this time, if she wants to find Mulian Qingyou, she can go to Jun Wuyou directly.

When Jun Wuyou was found, he hadn't become Mulian's quiet puppet yet. At first glance, although this person had a strong air of dandyism, his red lips, white teeth, and refined and refined face made Yin Lili feel more comfortable. A little favor.

A person like this shouldn't be the kind of ruthless person, right?

But soon, this man used his actual actions to tell Yin Lili, what does it mean to not be respectful?

It was a servant girl who had not been in the palace for a long time. Because she accidentally knocked over the teacup, the man asked someone to stamp her fingers off one by one on the spot, and then let her watch her fingers being smashed by the vicious dog. Eating them one by one, the scene was so bloody that even Yin Lili couldn't help but turn his head away after seeing it.

It seems that she still underestimated the cruelty of human beings!
Yin Lili tried her best not to think about those things, she just stayed in the court ladies in a well-behaved manner, waiting for Mulian's quiet appearance.

But he never expected that in less than two days, Jun Wuyou would be assassinated. When Yin Lili arrived, the assassin ran away, while the others were carried into the palace covered in blood by the imperial guards.

Yin Lili was dumbfounded, if Jun Wuyou died, would Mulian Qingyou still appear?Didn't it mean that he ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor in his own capacity?
In his capacity? ! !
Yin Lili finally came to her senses, and after everyone retreated that night, she sneaked into that room.

Sure enough, things were just as she thought, Jun Wuyou's assassination was arranged by Mulian Qingyou, and the reason why he did this was to use his identity more blatantly.

After entering, sure enough, the maids and eunuchs who were taking care of Jun Wuyou inside had been laid down, while Jun Wuyou himself was being helped up from the bed by a woman with a veil and a red brocade dress.

It's Hua Yanran!

Yin Lili had seen that woman before. At Hunranju in Shenfeng Mountain, it was this woman who almost killed Feng Xiyue, so when he saw her, he recognized her immediately.

It seems that I guessed correctly, Mulian Qingyou and the others are targeting this Jun Wuyou.

But after Hua Yanran helped Jun Wuyou who was in a coma, she didn't know what stuffed in Jun Wuyou's mouth?That Jun Wuyou suddenly opened his eyes, picked up a knife and cut off his own face,

The bloody scene...

Yin Lili almost covered her mouth when she saw it.

After the face was cut, Jun Wuyou was completely unrecognizable, but he still didn't know the pain, he was still holding the knife with blood and flesh, and Yin Lili could even see a trace of him on his face without face. Weird smile.

this is too scary!

(End of this chapter)

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