The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 718 I Didn't Sell My Body To You

Chapter 718 I Didn't Sell My Body To You
After saying a word, finally, the eyes of the man across from him flickered, and he nodded his head: "Okay, it's a deal!"

"A word is settled!"

As soon as the four concise words fell, Yin Lili immediately pointed the gun in his hand at the witch guards who were lined up neatly and ready to go.

When Mulian saw Qingyou, he quickly poured a large amount of black mist from the repair robe...

It's just a few bullets. With his strength, it should be no problem to spend a little bit of cultivation to protect them.

However, his idea hadn't come to fruition yet. In the black mist, he only saw the girl with bright eyes and white teeth looking at him, with a very weird smile flashing across her lips. In the next second, the thing in her hand changed rapidly. Hurry up, he is not allowed to react at all, an object about the size of a bird's egg has been thrown out viciously by her!
What the hell is that?

Mu Lian Qingyou only had time to ask such a question. A moment later, a deafening bombing sound exploded, and the entire tree on the ground, including himself, was shocked and flew out by the huge shock wave.

Fuck, even the tree is flying, so what's the use of that person?
Mu Lian Qingyou finally realized that she had been fooled, and when he turned around, he was about to yell at her, but the woman had already turned into a shadow, and quickly disappeared along the forest path with Rufei in the carriage...

Damn woman!

Furious and angry, Mu Lian Qingyou got up from the ground and wanted to chase after them, but at this moment, behind them, a more shocking shaking sound passed through the ground to his optic nerve.

"What is that?" I don't know if I was confused by anger just now?The man who got up from the ground just now was once again confused in his mind.

Fortunately, at this time Hua Yanran had already woken up. Seeing this scene, she immediately ran over with a drastic change of expression: "My lord, is it... is the master of the Cangwolf coming?"

The master of the werewolves?

Like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, Mu Lian's quiet face finally turned completely pale!

Even the master of the werewolf came here. It seems that this matter has become so serious that even he can't imagine it, but this Ziwei Tianjun is just a baby now, so the master of the werewolf needs it. Is it motivating the crowd?
The heart of the person who was looking at the bottom was tumbling with shock waves. Above the head, sure enough, the voice who had personally looked for him 12 years ago sounded: "Master Priest, you let me down!"

Mulian Qingyou's face turned pale: "Dragon Lord, I remember I told you that when you let me be reborn once, I promised to help you complete the great cause. We are mutual benefit and mutual assistance, not that I sold myself to you to be at your disposal! "

A good sentence of mutual benefit and mutual assistance!
The voice above laughed loudly when he heard this sentence, "Hahahahaha..."

That laughter was so arrogant and sharp that almost everyone in the underground covered their ears tightly, except Mulian Qingyou.

However, Hua Yanran found out at a glance that there were two bright red lines winding down from her master's ears.

Fortunately, the voice didn't laugh for a long time, and then stopped, and then, in the dead silence, Mulian Qingyou heard him say again: "Okay, what I admired about you at the beginning was your fearless and unyielding spirit." As far as anyone's personality is concerned, well, then this pavilion will give you another chance to personally kill that woman and regain Ziwei's body!"

(End of this chapter)

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