The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 726 Feng Xiyue Goes Crazy

Chapter 726 Feng Xiyue Goes Crazy

"Why should I bet with you?" Mulian Qingyou's fingers turned white, and there was unprecedented storm in his eyes.

But that woman, after glancing at the huge black shadow that was approaching rapidly, she suddenly smiled: "Because I prefer dealing with you compared to them."

Mu Lian Qingyou heard the last word in a dazzling golden light, and then he was stunned to see that golden unicorn beast, like a god descending from the sky, did not allow him to react at all. He crawled out from under the eyelids, took the baby in the woman's chest, and left like a bolt of lightning.

It turned out that this was her bet, and it turned out that she lied to him again! !

Mu Lian Qingyou finally went crazy, looking at the enchanting woman smiling in his hands, he was about to drag her up and strangle her to death in a fit of rage, but at this moment, an overwhelming force came from behind, but in an instant, Even he and himself were ruthlessly thrown off the cliff.


At the moment when the mountain collapsed, another man screamed heart-piercingly in the sky, Mu Lian looked back quietly, just in time, during the rapid fall, he saw that white shadow rushing towards him, so he wanted revenge, He simply accelerated the speed of his fall, and the woman who was close to the bottom hugged her tightly in his arms.

That's okay, if you design me like this, I'll let your favorite man take a good look at what kind of humiliation his beloved woman suffered before she died?
With a firm push, the woman who was as angry as gossamer in her arms spewed out another mouthful of warmth. At that moment, the woman who had fallen into a coma opened her eyes again. When she opened her eyes, she saw that the unicorn had been snatched from the sky above. When the baby man in white was in the animal's mouth, the corners of her bloodless lips twitched. Mu Lian Qingyou saw it, and leaned over one by one. After listening, his face completely froze: "Even if he came So what? Pei Chun'an, let me tell you, he can only watch you die, and he is still watching you die with me!!"

That's right, he would rather destroy something that Mulian Qingyou couldn't get, even if it was death, he wouldn't let others get their hands on it.

Afterwards, there was a loud bang as the two of them smashed into the ravine...

After the loud bang, the man in white who was still tightly entwined by the black hand in the sky became crazy——


In this world, people have always thought that Emperor Baizhi in the heavenly world is terrible when he is possessed by a demon, because he has too much evil spirit, and once he becomes possessed by a demon, he will definitely hurt innocent people.However, none of them knew that when the talented genius of Shenfeng Mountain went mad and became a demon, the world was almost destroyed!
It was really an overwhelming catastrophe, no one knew why he had such great power?When he was normal in the past, although his divine power was extraordinary, there was a limit. At least, gathering the Bodhi ancestors from the heavens, the real Yuding from the human world, and his own ancestors could restrain him and prevent him from doing so. Go crazy.

But now, no one can stop him. When Lan Ling arrived with everyone, he had sucked up all the Xiushui that Yan returned to the foot of the mountain, and poured it down to Fengdu, which was the closest to Xiushui. In an hour, the entire Fengdu became a sea of ​​dead bodies and cries everywhere.

Such a tragic scene, even if it is described as a hell on earth, it is not an exaggeration.

(End of this chapter)

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