The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 761 Moonfall. Chang'an!

Chapter 761 Moonfall. Chang'an!

I have to admit that the salesperson's mouth is really good at talking, an ordinary gemstone, but she just made it such a legendary thing.

Feng Xiyue thought that with his wife's temperament, this meeting should be a bit of contempt, and then left.

But the strange thing is, after hearing what the salesman said, she stared at the pair of gemstone rings for a while, and then asked, "Can words be engraved on them?"

When the salesman heard this, he was overjoyed: "Of course, miss, you can engrave any words you want, and the time is very fast, what do you want to engrave, miss?" "


But seeing the woman was silent for a while, she pointed at the female ring with her slender white finger: "This one is engraved with 'Moonset'"

When Feng Xiyue heard it, her heart beat violently!

The other...?
"The one engraved with 'Chang'an', the moon sets in Chang'an!"

The moon sets in Chang'an?

As soon as these four words were uttered, not only the salesperson was stunned, but even Feng Xiyue himself seemed to have his mind smashed, and there was nothing left but a blank space when he stood there.

The moon falls in Chang'an...

Of course he knew the meaning of these four words. Yueluo refers to him, the light that can cover up the brilliance of the falling moon, but what about Chang'an?Naturally, she is Pei Chun'an, earnestly and earnestly, forever in Chang'an!
Feng Xiyue suddenly turned her head fiercely, trying her best not to let her see the gushing mist in her eyes, but how could she control the rushing and roaring waves in her chest?
I still remember the words Lan Ling scolded him fiercely in the Snow Wolf Clan, and I also remember the despair and fear that destroyed the world when she was hit by the palm of Bi Fangshou. She was awakened from dreams countless times and couldn't sleep countless times. He didn't dare to close his eyes, didn't dare to let himself stop for a moment, because he was really afraid that once he calmed down, all he would think of was her resolute departure, and her resentment towards him from now on that she no longer had the slightest affection eyes.

That's right, Lan Ling was right, this time, he hurt her deeply enough, no matter whether it was unintentional or intentional, he hurt her thoroughly, otherwise, she wouldn't have made such a decision Action, to save Ziwei alone.

So, when he woke up later, what he feared the most was not her disappearance, but her unforgiveness and hatred.

Missing, he can find her back desperately, but if she doesn't forgive him, and she hates him, then his world will collapse...

But now?

He heard her say the words "Yueluo Chang'an" in such a sad voice. She said that the female ring is "Yueluo" and the male ring is "Chang'an". Because he is her Bai Xiaoyue, she is His Pei Chunan.

It was almost the first time that Feng Xiyue left her in a state of embarrassment. Afterwards, he found a bathroom and buried his face in the rushing pool water. Get a complete vent.

And Ni Hong here, no, it should be Yin Lili now.

Seeing that there were no men around, Yin Lili's heart skipped a beat: "I'll leave the deposit here first, and come to pick it up later."

After finishing speaking, she hurriedly took out a few RMB from her body and put them on the glass table of the jewelry store, then she turned and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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