The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 766 I'm Already a Married Woman

Chapter 766 I'm Already a Married Woman

That's right, her current name is Pei Chun'an, Pei Chun'an with a family, and Pei Chun'an with a lover.

Thinking of those who loved her, and thinking of that terrifying face, she suddenly smiled again: "By the way, I forgot to tell you that I'm already married, and now I'm a married woman." , so please, don’t bother me again.”

After saying this, she turned around and was about to leave.

When Leng Hang, who was squatting on the ground, felt as if struck by lightning, he shook violently and sat on the ground: "Married? How could it be? How could you marry? This is impossible?"

How can it be impossible?Is she Pei Chun'an bad?She is over there, but she is the hottest princess from the country.

Yin Lili didn't want to talk to him anymore, so he entered the building directly, and then walked towards his teaching building, but he didn't know why?On the way, her right eye kept beating like crazy, which made her whole heart feel uneasy.

Could something be wrong?
Thinking of what she said just now and the reason why she didn't leave, she finally changed her route and went to Dong Cheng's laboratory building.

When she arrived at the laboratory building, Dong Cheng hadn't gotten off work yet, so she went in familiarly, and then when she entered the secret room on the last floor, she knocked a familiar code on the glass door.

Now that he has already told Leng Hang, I believe he will find the minister to explain it to the minister soon. The minister will definitely let Dong Cheng implant the system into her body soon. In this way, if she wants to It will not be so easy to go any further.

Three long knocks and two short knocks didn't take long, only a bang inside?A moment later, a white figure rushed out from inside, and then, with a "click", a stunned old man appeared in front of her: "You—"

"I'm Lili, let me in first!"

In the entire Blood Demon headquarters, the person Yin Lili is most familiar with is Professor Dong, so now that Yin Lili has explained everything, she doesn't want to hide anything from him anymore, so she simply pushes him away and leaves came in.

However, after receiving her message, the old man held his chest and digested it for a full minute, and then he walked towards her step by step as if he had seen a ghost: "Oh my god, you are really divorced!" ?”

"Don't tell me you don't know I'm back!"

"I know you're back, but they didn't tell me who you were on?"

"Now I'm telling you, I'm on Ni Hong, are you happy?"

Dong Cheng: "..."

Holding his irritated chest for a while, he took a big gulp of cold tea, and then glared at her again: "How did you come back?"

Yin Lili lazily pointed at his machine: "From this hellish place, what are you researching? Why does this still call me back?"

That's it!

Dong Cheng sighed: "I've already guessed this, but I didn't expect it to be true. What about Ni Hong? Where did Ni Hong go?"

"It was taken by Leng Hang and given to our Bifang beast to eat!"


So Yin Lili roughly explained what happened again, and when it came to the biochemical recovery agent, she finally explained the real reason for coming to him: "Professor, I came to you today just to ask, you Why did you develop something to crack it when you developed the biochemical recovery agent?"

(End of this chapter)

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