The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 779 How about making a deal?

Chapter 779 How about making a deal?

It was a wild beast that was completely trapped in a desperate situation and could not escape, so it made such a scream...

Luo Qi saw the woman's despair, suddenly, his eyes flashed, and he nodded towards the man beside him: "Take me there."

The man's expression changed: "Boss Luo, she is now..."

"Take me there!" When repeating this sentence, Luo Qi's expression became quite fierce.

Seeing this, the man didn't dare to say anything more, and then led him to open the bulletproof glass and jumped down from the inside.

Strange to say, the woman in blue who was not allowed to get close to anyone within 30 meters from the center of the building just now, after seeing the ring on the finger of the BIG member just now, seemed to have taken off all her defenses. Qi and Qi didn't even know when they were by her side.

What kind of thing is it?Will she, who has always been very vigilant in defense, relax like this?
Luo Qi landed on the glass shards, staring at the woman squatting on the ground, like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark carefully scrutinizing its prey.

"Yin Lili, how about we make a deal?"

Yin Lili didn't make a sound, but squatted there holding his head in pain...

BIG's ring turned out not to be rhombus-shaped, but an inverted triangle, just like their logo, with an inverted triangle-shaped poisonous viper's head as the base, and the blood-red supernatural eyes of Yelingsha as the embellishment on the top, which is outlined bit by bit. There are three bloodthirsty big characters of BIG that make people feel bone-chilling.

In fact, she should have thought about it a long time ago. Although Ye Lingsha is no longer around, BIG, as a killer group, how could it be so careless to show the group logo to others?If she hadn't been in a mess at that time, if she could have calmed down a bit, maybe she wouldn't have been caught so easily in this matter.

"You want to find Jiang Chen, don't you? Yes, as long as we provide the benefactor who bought his life back then, you can find him soon, but you must promise me one condition, that is, tell me how you got back ?”

Luo Qi is a businessman, in the face of profit, what he always thinks about is how can he get better profits?So, even though he knew that doing so broke BIG's rules, he still asked that man to show the video of coming to BIG to buy Jiang Chen's life.

Seeing this, Yin Lili felt like a fish on the verge of death, and suddenly saw a life-saving straw, snatched the tablet computer and began to watch it carefully.

However, in the video, what first appeared was a closed space that was completely isolated by metal, and then she saw a BIG member walking in with a man in a black suit. It was a pity, because of the location, The camera shot was his back, until he sat down in front of that BIG member, Yin Lili did not see his true face.

Luo Qi has been secretly observing the changes in her expression. Frankly speaking, because of BIG's rules, during the transaction process, it is not allowed to reveal any information about the money owner, and when the money owner comes in, he will usually carefully check whether he has been videotaped. What.

Therefore, the video in Yin Lili's hand was actually shot by an invisible camera hidden in that closed room at that time.

But what surprised him was that the woman stared at such a video for a long time, especially when the person behind signed the document, she played it back three times before putting the tablet in her hand. down.

(End of this chapter)

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