The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 827 What's wrong with accepting a concubine after standing up?

Chapter 827 What's wrong with accepting a concubine after standing up?
Yin Lili didn't expect such a thing to happen, so he shook his head in astonishment: "Your maidservant won't..."

In the end, everyone ridiculed them in return, and Qiao Yuer was among them...

This confused old lady!

Yin Lili doesn't care, and still eats her own food, but those people have become determined to punish her. After playing the piano, chess, calligraphy, and painting follow. As for Yin Lili, of course, every time it is two words: "No!"

She wouldn't, not really, but she didn't want to.

But her inability, in the eyes of those people, became useless, so within a short time, the scandal about the emperor's new favorite maid flower demon in Ganlu Palace spread throughout the entire palace.

When the news reached Pei Yuhan, Pei Yuhan was seeing Pei Rongguang, when he heard this, his hands trembled, and the teacup almost fell to the ground.

Pei Rongguang was very surprised when he saw it: "Your Majesty?"

"It's okay, this matter is settled like this, you go back first, and I will issue an imperial edict tomorrow morning." After finishing speaking, Pei Yuhan left as if his butt was on fire.

Pei Rongguang saw it from behind and was very puzzled...

Isn't the emperor always calm and calm?Why did he become so frizzy all of a sudden?
And what about Pei Yuhan here?He led the guards all the way to hurry, and when they arrived at the Ganlu Hall, the atmosphere inside had reached a climax, because Yin Lili didn't know anything, and Qiao Yuer, who was angry that she took her daughter's position, had already used "good for nothing but seduce the emperor" A hat as big as "a vixen" was put on her head, and she was clamoring for the eunuch to slap her.

As for Yin Lili, she was also tired of everyone's misunderstanding about her, so she simply didn't tell the difference, and let those people put the shit bowl on her head. If Pei Yuhan didn't arrive, those eunuchs would really beat her up!

"Are you a pig? You still don't know how to tell when you're like this?" As soon as he got here, the angry man ignored the fiery and eager gazes staring at him, and focused all his attention on the immoral and incompetent court ladies who they said On the flower demon.

When Qiao Yuer saw it, she almost died of anger: "Your Majesty, she is just a lowly court lady who knows nothing. How could you let her enter your harem?"

When Pei Yuhan heard this, his eyes immediately turned cold: "Queen Mother, I respect you because of Chun'an's face, but if you continue to mess around like this, don't blame me for turning my back."

After one sentence, how dare Qiao Yuer say another word?Immediately there was no sound.

When Yin Lili saw it, she couldn't bear it anymore. Seeing everyone staring at her, she had no choice but to pull him out: "How can you say that about her? He is also doing it for your own good."

"What do you mean for my own good? Could it be that so many women are here just for my own good?"

"That's right, you have been on the throne for more than a year. You should have your own harem. The majestic king of a country doesn't even have a concubine. What will everyone think?"

Yin Lili is also tossed enough by such things, today is this one, what about tomorrow?She knew that he couldn't let go of her, but the more he behaved like this, the more she couldn't wait to break up with him and find his own life for him.

However, what she didn't expect was that as soon as she said this, Pei Yuhan, who had been smoldering for a long time, exploded like a firecracker that was suddenly ignited: "So what? ? Do I have a harem? What do I do with them? If they want to talk, let them talk. Does the king of a country have to have a concubine? It's just sick!"

(End of this chapter)

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