The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 914 Finding a Master for His Son

Chapter 914 Finding a Master for His Son
Four-year-old children, in fact, do not know what is right and what is wrong?But when he heard the elder brother who helped him beat the bad guys tell him so, he agreed to all of them, but he didn't know that his promise became his whole life. Many years later, when he practiced Taoism, he remembered The vague white shadow in the memory would still be very grateful, because if it wasn't for that brother back then, perhaps He Yuding would have died in those catastrophes that were worse than death.

After eating, He Dashi really went to the village to find someone to borrow a map. Of course, before going, Feng Xiyue told him, not to mention that they were leaving.

He Da went to borrow a map, and Aunt He used the flour she had just bought from the town during the day to make pancakes for the two of them, for fear that they would get hungry on the way.

He Yuding has always been unwilling to sleep. There is no need for adults to tell such a small child. From the depressed depression of everyone, he already felt the separation. So after Feng Xiyue and Yin Lili returned to the house, the child took it by himself. Two fruits picked up in the backyard were brought over.

"Brother, this is what Ding'er picked up. It's very sweet. Ding'er is reluctant to eat it. Brother, here it is for you." Those eyes were really irresistible, like the stars in the sky, and like spring water in the mountains, Yin Lili looked at them. Inexplicably sour.

"Ding'er, do you believe that sister will come to you again?"


"Of course, when my sister gives birth to a baby, my sister will bring him to you." I don't know whether it was intentional or not, Yin Lili unexpectedly took off a jade pendant from his neck.

It was the jade pendant of Princess Li, and it was the only thing left to her by Queen Zheng Wanru. After she took it before, she was afraid of being seen and aroused suspicion in the palace, so she didn't wear it until she seized power. Bright and upright appeared to the world as Princess Li, so she wore this piece of jade.

However, she actually left this thing to this child now?
Feng Xiyue felt what she meant and was surprised: "Chun'an, that is the only thing your mother left you."

Yin Lili's eyes were full of tears: "TMD, I just want to let that old man Yuding know how much he owed me a thousand years ago? After my son is born, I'll see if he dares not accept my son! "

Feng Xiyue almost couldn't help laughing!

This dead woman originally came up with this idea, but think about it, this idea is not bad, that old man Yuding is No. She even showed great admiration for him, saying that he is the one who is truly worthy to be on an equal footing with Feng Shu.

Thinking about it, it would be really good for his son to worship him as his teacher in the future.

However, here comes the problem...

How did this woman know it was her son?He likes his daughter.

He was thinking wildly here, but over there, the four-year-old He Yuding had already happily put away the jade pendant: "Okay, I'll wait for my sister, don't worry, I will definitely treat my sister's baby well."

What you've been waiting for!

Yin Lili stood up contentedly, pointed at the blue light, and directly connected her spiritual power to the jade pendant.

Although she cannot intervene in his life, she is always right to save his life at critical moments.

Soon, after He Yuding got the jade pendant, Aunt He took her away, so the husband and wife also went to bed early so that they could get up early and leave early the next morning.

(End of this chapter)

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