The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 955: Bai Ze Jinluan's Hatred

Chapter 955: Bai Ze Jinluan's Hatred

I really can't believe that in less than half a month, the noble and elegant magnolia flower-like woman I saw in the ancient beast castle that day, now turned into such a horrible appearance.

Her temple hair was disheveled, her eyes were dull, and even her overpowering appearance was like a lifeless flower, becoming dull and not as charming as before, and her arms, which were covered by her With both arms melted away, Yin Lili even smelled a stench, as if it was the disgusting smell of meat that had been necrotic for a long time.

She turned into this?
Yin Lili suddenly didn't want to look any more, turned his head and saw the man in white walking over there, so he took a step forward and helped him over: "Xiaoyue, they are right in front."

Feng Xiyue nodded, and wanted to say something, but suddenly smelled the stench, and frowned again: "Jinluan, you—"

Jin Luan?

Hearing someone calling her name, the woman who had been nestled in Bi Fang's arms and hadn't moved, finally raised her dull eyes slowly.

Those are really two gazes that no longer belong to humans. Yin Lili saw that when its focal length fully saw the two people who appeared in front of it, its pupils began to change rapidly, first stagnated, and then It flashed inside like a flame, and the flame did not recede, followed by a sharp contraction, until finally, all the whites of the eyes turned blood red, turning into a kind of deep-seated hatred!

No, that's an ominous omen.

Yin Lili almost reflexively pulled the man beside her behind her, and at the same time, in the front coffin, there was still a woman who was still in the miserable state of being melted by Yin Lili that day, like crazy, Jumped out from inside: "You bitch, I'm going to kill you!!"

It was her who she yelled at?
Yin Lili was a little unexpected, but soon, she understood...

Come to think of it, she was the one who melted the arms, and the wounds on her body, and she was the one who made her change from the aloof Bai Ze ancient beast to this appearance, so it is impossible for her to hate her.

However, it doesn't matter if she hates her, as long as she gives her what she wants, let alone hate, even if they fight again, it's fine.

So, after hearing her hysterical roar, instead of being angry, she smiled, "That's fine, as long as you hand over your scales, I'll accompany you to the end."


Bai Ze, who was hit to the point of madness, suddenly looked up to the sky and burst out laughing!
After laughing, word by word: "You want to save him? Let me tell you, it's a dream!"

Yin Lili narrowed his eyes suddenly: "Can you try saying something again?"

It's the same with a hundred words...

Bai Zejinluan hated him so much that his blood-red eyes fell on Feng Xiyue who had been silent all this time: "Shenfeng Baiyu, we have settled the relationship, you died for me ten thousand years ago, and ten thousand years later, I Rescue you once from Bi Fang, I don't owe you any more, now, let her hurt me like this, what qualifications do you have for me to save you?"

As soon as these words came out, not only Bi Fangshou in the coffin's face became ugly, but even Feng Xiyue's thin lips were pressed to the extreme.

Indeed, when he was seriously injured by Bi Fangshou at the Gate of Promise, if she hadn't arrived in time, he might have died. Later, when he was in danger, she exchanged her heart-protecting scales for him. It took him half his life to support him until now, so she really doesn't owe him anything.

(End of this chapter)

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