The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 960 Rekindling Hope

Chapter 960 Rekindling Hope
Without the scales, how can the poison on Feng Xiyue be cured?
If they can't open the Gate of Promise, how can they go back?

Back at the inn, she just sat there, as if she had lost her soul, unable to move.

Feeling her despair, Feng Xiyue came over one by one and bent over her shoulders from behind: "Don't be so desperate, okay? This is not good for the child."

What time is it, children?He still thinks about the child?

Yin Lili finally broke out: "Aren't you afraid at all? Without Bai Zelin, you will have to wait to die. If you can't open the gate of infinity, we can only stay here. Are you not worried at all? Aren't you afraid?"

Of course he was afraid, and of course he was afraid, afraid that he would not be able to stay by her side anymore, afraid that once he was gone, he would leave her here alone...

But is that useful?All I can do now is to calm down and find another way.

Sighing lightly, he gently placed his fingers on her soft and slightly raised belly: "Actually, when I came here just now, I forgot to tell you that the Emperor Xuanyuan in the mouth of Bifang Beast can be opened." Gate of Infinity."

"What? Ancient Emperor Xuanyuan?" Yin Lili was taken aback.

"Yes, it is the person who opened up the chaos of this continent. After he woke up from the chaos, he split the continent with an axe. Afterwards, the sky and the earth were separated, and creatures began to grow around, and our five beasts were the earliest creatures at that time. Life." (Special reminder: The allusion of the ancient Chinese mythological figure Pangu opening up the world is quoted here, only for entertainment, no plagiarism, just saying.)
"That is to say, Emperor Xuanyuan is actually the real ruler of this continent?"

Feng Xiyue nodded: "That's right, Bi Fangshou didn't mention it before, I haven't remembered it yet, but looking at it now, the Gate of Promise in his hand can lead to any era in this continent, it must be the ancient Emperor Xuanyuan Before disappearing, he had already anticipated the changing times of this continent, so he cultivated the Gate of Promise, with the purpose of enabling him to travel through various eras and maintain peace."

Can it still be like this?

Yin Lili was stunned when he heard this: "Ancient Emperor Xuanyuan is so powerful? Then why did he disappear?"

Feng Xiyue shook her head: "I don't know about that, maybe, everything has a certain law, just like us, although we are still alive, but in order to adapt to the future, we have to change in various ways, and Emperor Xuanyuan, just now Because he is the true master of this continent, he can only disappear in order to advance the progress of this continent, I think, it should be like this."

In fact, Feng Xiyue didn't understand these things very well. Perhaps, the other three ancient beasts who had witnessed the changes of the ten thousand years of time would understand better, but unfortunately, he would not ask.

But in the end, what he said rekindled new hope for the woman in his arms: "Then you mean that as long as we find the things left by Emperor Xuanyuan, we can let Bifang Beast open the Gate of Infinity?"

Feng Xiyue smiled approvingly: "Smart, Bi Fang is currently injured, and with his cultivation base, it is estimated that he can't find the gate of Wuji here, so as long as we find the ancient Emperor Xuanyuan's thing, we can find it." Pulled him."

That's it!

Yin Lili finally came back to life with full blood: "Well, from now on, we will look for the things of Emperor Xuanyuan."

"it is good."

Feng Xiyue also smiled happily, because he finally coaxed this difficult girl.

(End of this chapter)

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