Chapter 967 Uneasy
But how could she rest?She still has to find something about Emperor Xuanyuan.

Feng Xiyue had no choice but to let He Da follow her to avoid accidents.

And it took several days to search like this, but what made her a little disappointed was that after a few days, there was still no result, let alone Ancient Emperor Xuanyuan's things, even if it was Ancient Emperor Xuanyuan, they didn't have any. heard about it.

This made Yin Lili very disappointed. At one point, she wondered if Feng Xiyue was lying to her?However, after she calmed down, she remembered that Bi Fang had also mentioned that person, and that Feng Xiyue herself was reborn from an ancient beast thousands of years ago, so she dispelled her doubts and regained her energy to look for it. However, during this period of time Come on, she overlooked a very important issue, that is, Feng Xiyue, who was obviously poisoned by the fire elixir, is getting better and better. Not only can he take care of himself, but sometimes, he will help the He family The husband and wife teased Xiao Yuding together.

This is really strange, shouldn't his poison be getting heavier and heavier?Why is it getting better and better?
Yin Lili thought of how weak he was when he just came back from the World of Warcraft Forest, and finally one day, she couldn't help it, and after returning from the outside, she went to the bamboo house to look for him.

At this time, he would often bring the little jade tripod with him in the bamboo house. Aunt He said that in this way, they would not have to lock the little jade tripod inside when they were working.

When she got to the bamboo house, she didn't call him first, she just wanted to surprise him, but to her surprise, just as she walked to the door, she heard Xiao Yuding say inside: "Brother, you Are you ready?"

almost done?
Yin Lili didn't know what the people inside were doing?But when he heard this sentence, he was inexplicably uneasy, so he immediately stepped up, opened the door and took a look, only to find that he was cross-legged on the bed in the bamboo house to adjust his breath, while Xiaoyuding was playing beside him.

It turned out to be just breath adjustment.

Yin Lili breathed a sigh of relief, walked over, signaled Xiao Yuding who was playing on the ground to be quiet, and then quietly went out...

It turns out that his spirit is getting better and better because he often adjusts his breath.

Yin Lili got the answer he wanted, so he stopped worrying and put all his energy into finding Emperor Xuanyuan again.

However, what she didn't know was that that day, from the moment she appeared outside the bamboo house, the people inside had already sensed her arrival. It was just to reassure her.

On this day, Yin Lili searched outside for another day to no avail. When she came back, she finally couldn't stand it anymore and lay down on the bed.

Feng Xiyue heard it, walked over, and sat on the edge of her bed: "Chun'an, are you okay?"

Yin Lili was in a daze: "It's okay, I'm just a little tired, just take a nap."

After saying this, Feng Xiyue next to him didn't speak for a long time, just when Yin Lili thought he was going to leave, he felt a slight movement beside him, opened his eyes and found out that this The man even lay down next to her in broad daylight.

"What are you doing? Get up, it's not good to be seen by them like this." Yin Lili has a thin face, and seeing him getting so close, he couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

But this person, it seems that his hooligan nature broke out all of a sudden, no matter what she said, he just didn't leave, not only that, he also stretched out his hand to hold her, and hugged her whole into his arms.

"Chun'an, I can't bear you..."

The man is talking nonsense again.

(End of this chapter)

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