The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 985 You Are My Husband

Chapter 985 You Are My Husband

"Shut up!" Now Yin Lili was not angry, but wanted to beat him up and throw him into the sea.

Feng Xiyue disagreed, of course she had expected it, but can this guy stop fanning the flames here?Does he think it's not messy enough here?
In the next first day, sure enough, as she expected, Feng Xiyue stayed in the house and never came out. She wanted to persuade him, but when she thought of his temper, she didn't dare, so she just Thinking about it, it would not be too late to persuade him slowly after he calmed down.

But outside, Mu Lian Qingyou went to prepare things for departure tomorrow morning, and didn't come back all day.

In the evening, when the food was cooked, Yin Lili saw the opportunity, so he hurried to the house with the food, and wanted to take this opportunity to talk about it.

But she didn't expect that when she came in, she found that the person who had been hiding in the house for a whole day was sitting on a chair near the window in a daze, with such a silent and thoughtful expression, her heart was inexplicably lost. A beat.

Couldn't he be thinking about the decision to deal with this matter again?
Yin Lili, who had learned the lesson from La La, finally felt a little scared. Thinking that this person can even secretly use the Soul Devouring Arrow at the expense of his cultivation base, then under such circumstances, how would he still do it? What can't you think of?

As soon as I was scared, I didn't care so much, walked over and squatted in front of him: "Husband, what are you thinking?"


Feng Xiyue, who was in deep thought, was taken aback by such an unfamiliar address: "What did you call me?"

"Husband, in our place, we are married. In order to show the importance of both parties, the wife calls the husband husband, and the husband calls wife, then it is wife. Husband, why don't you call me wife?"

Yin Lili is actually not a thick-skinned person, at least, she can't say that in front of others, but now, she doesn't know why?She just wanted to use a certain way to express her meaning, and this meaning was a firm attitude, and she couldn't allow him to have other random questions.

Fortunately, her husband has a very high IQ. After a brief moment of daze, he quickly understood what she meant: "My wife—"

"Well, that's good." Yin Lili finally smiled again: "Then tell your wife, you've been sitting here all day, what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking--"

Feng Xiyue paused, and wanted to say what he had been thinking about all day, but suddenly, he smelled the aroma of food, and changed his words: "Thinking about what to eat tonight? I'm a little hungry."

this one?
Yin Lili couldn't believe it: "Feng Xiyue, be more serious."

Well, in the blink of an eye, this person has changed from "husband" to "Feng Xiyue" with both names and surnames.

Feng Xiyue let out a long sigh, and had no choice but to say: "I was just thinking, what are the chances of me going with you?"

Yin Lili thumped: "And then?"

"Then after calculation, it was found to be very small!"

As long as you know.

Yin Lili swallowed her saliva, and planned to start her long journey of persuasion: "Xiaoyue, I can actually go alone, and you know my strength. Back then, we were able to deal with even the earth demon beasts in the sea of ​​blood. Why can't I find an ice toad?"

Feng Xiyue was stunned: "Then the shemale won't go?"


cough cough cough...

(End of this chapter)

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