Chu Shao's sweet wife is beautiful and wild

Chapter 102 Is also a ruthless character

Chapter 102 Is also a ruthless character
"Even if you marry a kind-hearted girl from a small family, why do you marry a woman with a deep heart? Before you enter the door, give me a warning. If you enter Ji's house in the future, Mom will still have a good life. ?"

Ji Hanjiang remained silent. In this matter, the most difficult person is none other than him.

Even though Ji's mother complained to Yan Yiren in tears, he still didn't want to just give up in his private heart.

Seeing that Ji Hanjiang was unmoved, Ji's mother added another fire, "Poor parents in the world, parents think about you, and want you to marry a girl of the right family, what's wrong? Mom admitted that the first time we met At that time, I said something she didn't like to hear, but she never expected that she would always bear a grudge in her heart... Thanks to your father and I, we are still going to accept her as the daughter-in-law of our Ji family!"

"Mom, it's getting late, you should go to rest. Take care of your body so that I can rest assured." Ji Hanjiang stopped Ji's mother from continuing, and tucked the quilt up for her considerately.

Ji's mother grabbed Ji Hanjiang's hand, with a disappointed look in her eyes: "Hanjiang...are you still partial to her?"

"Mom, I don't." After Ji Hanjiang said these words weakly, he was silent for a long time.

Ji's mother looked at her son thoughtfully, knowing her son, Mo Ruomu, what was going on in his heart, how could she, a mother, not know?
If he hadn't favored Yan Yiren, he would have dumped her in minutes!

Instead of avoiding the topic all the time, or answering with silence.

Thinking of this, Ji's mother closed her eyes unwillingly, and had to think about countermeasures.

This time, the Yanyi people's problem must be solved.

Sitting by the bed, Ji Hanjiang said in a low voice, "Mom, go to sleep, I'll be here with you."


Yan Yiren returned to the apartment, and sat in a daze until night, neither hungry nor sleepy.

She didn't pick up the phone mechanically until the phone rang, and answered, "Hello?"

Suddenly hearing this voice, Ling Yunhuan was startled, "Yi Ren, what's wrong with your voice?"

Yan Yiren burst into tears, and Ling Yunhuan asked worriedly: "Have you... cried? What happened, tell me!"

"Huanhuan, I don't know what to say...Hanjiang's mother fell down the stairs and accused me of pushing her. She doesn't want me to be with Hanjiang and wants me to leave Hanjiang...what should I do? Huanhuan, what should I do?" Yan Yiren hugged a pillow, said, buried her head in the pillow, and cried bitterly.

Today, in order to separate her and Ji Hanjiang, Ji's mother would not hesitate to use herself as a bargaining chip and fell down the stairs.

What about next time?

Will he use more brutal means to force Ji Hanjiang next time?
Yan Yiren didn't know, and didn't dare to think, a marriage without parents' blessing would not be happy.

Before she and Ji Hanjiang got married, they were already hindered by his family. Will they be able to go on in the future?

"What did you say? Aunt Ji fell down the stairs? Then is she... all right?" Ling Yun's heart tightened suddenly, she didn't expect it, she didn't expect it!
Aunt Ji is also a ruthless character!
In this way, is it true that Yan Yiren and Ji Hanjiang are bound to break up?

Then doesn't she...have a chance.

"Broken bones and mild concussion."

Ling Yunhuan continued to play the role of a good best friend, and hypocritically comforted her: "It's fine if your life is not in danger. Yi Renqing is self-clearing, and Han Jiang will believe you. I'm sorry, I am on a business trip with the general manager, so I can't go to accompany you. Are you alright by yourself?"

(End of this chapter)

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