Chu Shao's sweet wife is beautiful and wild

Chapter 117 I want to kill Yan Yiren

Chapter 117 I want to kill Yan Yiren

The ward became quiet, only Yan Yiren and Mrs. Yan were left.

"Grandma, why did you do this?" Yan Yiren held the old lady's hand, pressed it against her face, and rubbed her palm with her face affectionately.

"Yiren, grandma doesn't have much time. If I can do one thing for you, it counts as one."

Yan Yiren held the old lady's hand tightly, refusing to let it go. All along, she has always cared about her grandma the most.

If grandma leaves him too, she doesn't know if she can bear it...


Yan Ning, Kang Ruan Yufeng and Yan Shudan pushed and pulled out of the hospital and got into the car.

Ruan Yufeng cried uncontrollably, "Honey, you don't really want to divorce me, do you?"

Yan Ningkang snorted coldly, "Divorce!"

He didn't care how their mother and daughter bullied Yan Yiren in private, but in front of his mother, it would be stupid to keep him from stepping down!

He doesn't want to see such a stupid mother and daughter in the near future, it's best not to see them.

Ruan Yufeng cried out of grief, "Husband, you are trying to force me to death. Husband and wife for a day, Bai Rien, don't look at my face, you also look at Shudan's face..."

"Stop crying, my mother is not dead yet!" Yan Ningkang couldn't take it anymore, and shouted: "Stop!"

The driver stopped halfway, and Yan Ningkang got out of the car and left.

Ruan Yufeng and Yan Shudan were left to go back to Yan's house by themselves.

As soon as Yan Ningkang left, Ruan Yufeng held back her tears, and Yan Shudan hugged her shoulders, a sinister glint flashed across his eyes.

Yan Yiren, you forced me to do this.

Now it seems that you can't die.

That night, Yan Shudan called Ling Yunhuan and said concisely: "I want to kill Yan Yiren, no matter what method you use, the sooner the better."

"Yan Shudan, it is against the law to kill someone." Ling Yun was pleased and terrified.

Killing Yan Yiren is a surefire way to prevent future troubles, but the one who killed her should not be Ling Yunhuan.

She is not stupid, why should she come forward to do this and let Yan Shudan reap the benefits?
Yan Shudan was furious. What happened in the hospital today made her furious, and she had to get rid of Yan Yiren.

Ling Yunhuan faltered and refused to give an accurate answer, which angered her. In a rage, he threatened to tell Yan Yiren about the dirty things between her and Ji Hanjiang.

"OK! I'll figure out a solution for this matter. Don't be impatient. Give me some time to plan, right?" Ling Yunhuan held a cigarette in one hand and a cell phone in the other, trying to calm Yan Shudan first.

After finally negotiating, Ling Yunhuan dropped the phone on the sofa.

Everyone pushes her, Yan Shudan pushes her, Ji Hanjiang pushes her!


The next day, Ling Yunhuan specially picked a time when Ji Hanjiang was not around, and went to the hospital to visit Ji's mother.

"Auntie, I've come to see you. Are you feeling better?" Ling Yunhuan put down the nutrition obediently, and sat down beside the bed with a flattering attitude.

Mother Ji's complexion was complicated, and the information she had just investigated was still pressed under her pillow.

It clearly stated what was the relationship between Ling Yunhuan and his son, and how much his son had spent on her.

It has to be said that this woman is treated better than Yan Yiren's girlfriend.

Apartments, luxury cars, luxury handbags, clothing and jewelry are all available.

What's even more ridiculous is that she still had the guts to bring the things Ji Hanjiang bought for her to Yan Yiren, and kept saying that her boyfriend bought them for her.

Yan Yiren is really not enough for this kind of scheming woman.

(End of this chapter)

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