Chu Shao's sweet wife is beautiful and wild

Chapter 121 What face do you have to cry in front of me?

Chapter 121 What face do you have to cry in front of me?
With what kind of mentality, seeing her like a fool, thinking that her love is so perfect, and she has a boyfriend who is so good and loves her so much?
Ling Yunhuan must have laughed at her for being stupid, right?
It's really stupid. After all these years, I haven't found any clues.

Did they do it too covertly, or was she, Yan Yiren, just a complete fool? !

In my mind, a picture suddenly flashed...

Last time, she inadvertently found those passionate | passionate | videos in Ling Yunhuan's mobile phone.

How could she be so shameless, without blushing or panting, saying that it was her boyfriend?

Ji Hanjiang, Ling Yunhuan, okay, really great!
Treat her like a fool and make fun of her!
She tore up the materials, flushed them into the toilet, went to the sink, washed her hands, adjusted her mood, and walked out of the bathroom depressed.

Ling Yunhuan was waiting for her in the car. Seeing that her face was not right and her lips were turning pale, she passed a bottle of water over, playing the role of a good girlfriend, "Yiren, what's wrong with you? You have such an ugly face, is it Isn't it uncomfortable?"

Yan Yiren raised her eyes unresponsively, and what caught her eyes was Ling Yunhuan's familiar yet unfamiliar face.

Her worry was written on her face, and her anxiety was also revealed in her eyes.

It seems... She is really a best friend who can confide in her heart and heart.

But, it was such a person, the people around her, who put her together.

To play her with applause, perhaps, in many nights, when she and Ji Hanjiang rolled together, they would secretly laugh at her stupidity, right?

At this moment, her heart felt like a knife was being twisted, she swore that she would repay it a hundred times in the future!
Ling Yunhuan, Ji Hanjiang, these two people, she will keep them firmly in her mind, and she will never let them go.

Now is not the time for a showdown, Ling Yunhuan can't be cheap, let alone startle the snake.

She needs time, she needs to be calm, and she needs to plan slowly...

After taking the water she handed over, he unscrewed the bottle cap, took a sip, and then screwed on the cap, "I might be on my period, my stomach hurts..."

Yan Yiren suffers from dysmenorrhea, in the past Ji Hanjiang would warmly cook ginger and brown sugar water for her, Ling Yunhuan also knew about this.

This excuse is perfect.

Ling Yunhuan said a few words of concern, whether it was true or false, Yan Yiren didn't want to guess.

She fastened her seat belt, leaned back on the chair, closed her eyes and began to rest her mind.

Ling Yunhuan sat for a while, and couldn't sit still anymore, and said tentatively: "Yi Ren, are you okay? Can you continue on the road?"

"I'm not sure either." Yan Yiren said softly, his voice slightly cold.

Ling Yunhuan had no time to think about it, but thought it was probably because of her physical discomfort, so her words were not warm.

It's about the same time as the agreed time, success or failure depends on it.

Ling Yunhuan suddenly lowered his head and began to sob, Yan Yiren quietly opened his eyes, "Why are you crying?"

What's your cry?

What face do you have to cry in front of me?
"I... I'm sorry Yiren, I'm just... worried about my mother..."

Only then did Yan Yiren remember that she was in a hurry to go back to see her sick mother.

Although the family members were not affected by the disaster, Yan Yiren still couldn't help thinking to himself, maybe this is the so-called retribution?

The evil she did, the retribution on her mother?
"Don't cry, I'll send you off." Saying that, Yan Yiren started the engine and drove out of the service area.

As for where to send it, she has the final say.

Ling Yunhuan smiled through tears, "Yi Ren, you are too kind to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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