Chapter 129
" bastard..." Old Madam Yan pointed at Yan Shudan tremblingly with her thin hand.

I couldn't get up in one breath, and I was so pissed off.

"Mom...Mom! Mom, wake up!"

Yan Ningkang cried out in grief, and when he turned around, he yelled at Ruan Yufeng, "What are you still doing? Call the doctor!"

"Oh...oh!" Ruan Yufeng was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he stumbled and ran out.

Yan Shudan backed away unconsciously, she didn't expect it to become like this...

She just wanted to tell grandma about Yan Yiren's current situation, and she didn't want to piss her off.

She was just telling the truth, not on purpose.

Doctors and nurses rushed in and pushed Mrs. Yan into the emergency room.

Half an hour later, the emergency room door opened.

The doctor took off the mask, "We did our best, and our condolences will change."

His hands were trembling, and he wanted to grab the doctor's hand. Yan Ningkang, who was asking about the situation, heard the doctor's words before he could speak, and there was a loud bang in his head.

He staggered a few steps back and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Yan Shudan stood far away, not daring to go forward. When Yan Ningkang fell, she rushed up to help him, "Dad, are you alright?"

"Go away! You are not as good as a beast!"

With a wave of Yan Ningkang's hand, Yan Shudan was caught off guard and was thrown out, hitting the wall.

She grimaced in pain.

Ruan Yufeng helped Yan Shudan up, and then went to help Yan Ningkang, "Husband, Shudan didn't do it on purpose, can you forgive her this time?"

"Get out! Get out! Get out!" Yan Ningkang slapped Ruan Yufeng, who was interceding for Yan Shudan, on the face, "You taught me to do such a rebellious thing!"

If Yan Shudan didn't care about the old lady's physical condition, the old lady wouldn't have left so soon!
The doctor conservatively estimated that the old lady still has at least several years to live.

Ruan Yufeng was beaten so hard that she couldn't speak, she hugged Yan Shudan, and the mother and daughter cried together.

On the day of Mrs. Yan's burial, Yan Shudan knelt in front of the old lady's tombstone, crying heartbreakingly, and kowtowed until his head was bleeding.

Ruan Yufeng also pleaded on the sidelines, "Husband, my daughter also knows her mistake and has repented, so you can forgive her. Mom is in the spirit of heaven, and she will forgive her ignorant granddaughter."

Yan Ningkang didn't speak, and his attitude had eased compared to when he was in the hospital.


Yan Yiren's first month in a coma.

Country A's most authoritative expert team came to Ningcheng, and after a comprehensive inspection of Yan Yiren, they all shook their heads.

Brain dead, no help.

Unless there is a miracle, or medicine is advanced enough to change the brain.

Obviously, miracles exist in legends, they are extremely rare, and doctors have not yet developed enough to change brains to survive.

Yan Yiren was in a coma for the third month.

Experts from foreign countries came to Ningcheng one after another.

This time, it took the experts a month from inspection to finding cases and finally formulating a treatment plan.

Yan Yiren was pushed into the operating room several times, and the treatment results were all disappointing.

Ji Hanjiang went from being full of expectations, to being gradually disappointed, to being hopeful, and finally disappointed again.

In such a repeated cycle of inner torment, he finally fell ill.

I had a viral cold and stayed in the hospital for a week.

Ling Yunhuan was busy taking care of him, even though he never gave her a good face, she never tired of it, no complaints or regrets.

Ever since Yan Yiren's accident, Ji Hanjiang completely ignored her.

Ling Yunhuan has been taking care of Yan Yiren without any complaints, just to have the opportunity to get in touch with Ji Hanjiang.

(End of this chapter)

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