Chapter 144 Little bastard
In order not to embarrass herself, she showed a look of 'I was planning to bite your chin', enduring the pain, she bit it.

Chu Huaijin pinched the soft flesh on her waist, "Let go, are you a dog?"

There are many bones in the jaw, so it is really not easy to bite.

Yan Yiren peeked obscenely, which part is easy to speak, she can save a little effort, and she can also make him feel particularly painful.

The shoulders are fine, there should be more flesh than the chin.

Shifted position and started biting his shoulder.

Yan Yiren thought he was biting hard, but in Chu Huaijin's view, it was just flirting with him.

How much strength can she have now?
How much strength can a person who can hardly hold a bowl have to bite?

"Enough of the buns, let go." Chu Huaijin was disgusted, her shoulders were wet, it was all from her saliva.

"You are Baozi!" The vague words came from the shoulder.

He has a big temper!
The arm placed on her lower back suddenly grabbed a piece of her soft flesh and spun around.

"Ah... it hurts!"

"Little bastard, you dare to bite even me, are you tired of working?" Chu Huaijin grabbed her chin, narrowed her sparkling peach eyes slightly, "Apologize to me."

"You knocked your chin and made my tooth hurt, and you apologize to me."

"Heh, is it reasonable for you to bite me?"

"If I don't apologize, I won't apologize." Yan Yiren insisted, "Who made you attack me personally."

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouths."

Rubbing her pink lips heavily with her fingertips, Chu Huaijin's eyes gradually darkened and deep, and Yan Yiren hadn't noticed the approaching dangerous aura.

He was pressed down hard by a force on the back of his neck, straight to Chu Huaijin.

"So impatient?" Chu Huaijin turned black and white, and beat him upside down.

Yan Yiren's eyes widened, "It's clear..."

The unfinished words were sealed by him with a kiss.

Yan Yiren didn't even understand why she didn't resist his kiss.

With her heartbeat out of control, she comforted herself, probably subconsciously knowing that this was her future husband.

So, don't resist, just accept it.

After an inexplicable kiss, the two shared the same bed, and neither of them felt sleepy.

Yan Yiren tossed and turned, still unable to fall asleep, "Master, are you asleep yet?"

Chu Huaijin put one hand behind her head, closed her eyes, and ignored her.

The taste of Yanyi people is much better than he imagined.

He didn't want to admit that he almost lost control of that kiss just now.

It's extremely stupid for Ji Hanjiang to leave this stunner in front of his eyes, instead of gnawing on those dross.

Having said that, thanks to his kindness of not marrying, Yan Yiren fell into his hands.

"Master, I know you are not asleep."

"What do you want to say?" I was afraid of her.

Yan Yiren thought about it but couldn't understand one thing: "Are good women destined to be bullied? Bad women can blatantly bully others?"

"En." Chu Huaijin perfunctory absent-mindedly.

After a long silence, Yan Yiren suddenly whispered: "In this case, I will be a bad woman."

Be a bad woman who would rather bully others than let others bully herself.

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(End of this chapter)

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